Twenty-One :: Jude ::

Park Junho
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( ❝Love me)
Monsterful // jess // 8
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+ Appearance : Junho doesn't follow the typical beauty standards, even growing up he knew he didn't look like a normal flower boy that everyone wanted to look like, and he was fine with that. He turned his Monolids, unique facial structure and dark skin into his charms. Plus he works out, so if you don't like his face, you'll probably like what's underneath his shirt (even though you'll struggle trying to get him to show it off.) Eventually you'll find yourself falling into his charms.
+ Face Claim : Yoo Seungho
+ Backup : Lee Hyunwoo
+ Style : Junho's style is easily described as semi preppy but still casual. He loves to wear sweaters and jeans that fit nicely. Though he loves to put on a nice pair of slacks and a nice button up just as much. Rarely will you ever see him in something that doesn't match. He strongly beleives in first impressions and his style is one of the first things people will judge him off of, so why not look his best. (click Icons for larger photo)
+ Full Name : Park Junho
+ Nickname(s) :
— Crooner; Just listen to his voice and it explains itself (Lol) In all honesty its what most of the coaches at JYP and his other companies called him when they can't remember his name, or don't know it. Also a joke with his friends. 
+ Birthday & Age : 04/14/1994 (22)
+ Hometown : Ulsan, South Korea
+ Birthplace : Ulsan, South Korea
+ Ethnicity : Korean
+ Height & Weight : 178cm & 66.2kg
+ Spoken Languages :
— Korean; fluenct; Native Language (Ulsan Dialect optional)
— English; Basics; what he learned in school and at the company. He has pretty decent pronunciation
— Japanese; Basics; what he learned at the company, which isn't much. but he doesn't have bad pronuncation
+ Personality Traits :
positive; Hard Working, Persistant, Mood Maker 
neutral; Ambitious, Confident, Even Tempered
negative; Insecure, Controling, Eaisly stressed
+ Personality : Junho is somebody who knows what he wants and how to get it, but that usually takes a backseat to his more fun and easy going nature. Junho is an ambivert, enjoying both his own company and others. He is confident in himself, but never too confident to come off as arrogant. He's a total dork and you can honest to god see that he enjoys what he does. He's a bit of a mood maker, his happiness is contageous. He makes the world stop when he talks to you. He's the type of person who would make sure you knew he was listening when you were telling a story and got interupted, encouraging you to continue. He can be quite flirtacious at times, but he never takes it further than the flirty stage. He actually gets quite awkward around girls. He's never had any real interest in them beyond friendship, same with guys. (He's aual p much) Its just a fun way to mess around with people. They all know he's usually just playing around. 
Get this kid on a stage and performing and he shines. You can't take your eyes off of him because he just has that energy that draws you in. Even on camera he's very confident and more than willing to take a break to ineract with fans. He knows how important it is to get them on your side. But as soon as those lights go up, nothing else matters to him. Leading up to performances and stuff he can be especially nitpicky. He's a perfectionist and to put on the best show people need to do things exactly how it should be. Even if somebody has already said they checked the mics and theyre working, he has to go check them himself to reassure himself. He just doesn't want anything to go wrong. Just don't questioning it and you'll be fine. If you do question him or get on his nerves preshow he'll snap at you. Rarely will he EVER lash out. He knows how to restrain himself for the most part
Honest to god, Like Junho is the total ideal guy, but that's because he's pretty good at only showing others what he wants them to see. But he has control issues, if things don't go the way he originally planned or how he anticipated it he gets incredibly uncomfortable. He is easy going, but that's because he's already three steps ahead and knows whats going to happen. Training all these years constantly and being critiqued and all the presures of it has forced him to start acting a lot older than he really is, and honestly the kid just needs a break to not have to sit and worry about how he comes off on others to get their approveal. He's constantly seeking approval from everyone. His love language is words of affirmation so he takes critiques, compliments, complaints and even hate, super seriously.   
+ Background : Junho, since he was young, has always been passionate about music. It helped that his parents helped encourage his creative side, but as independant as he is he never really needed their extra pushing. He always did it himself. He taught himself how to play the guitar after decided he didn't want to continue with the piano lessons his parents encouraged him to take. But when he looks back it was really his sister who pushed him to pursue it as a career. Junho has always had a voice that would give you chills, but he needed lessons to improve on his technique. It was Geonhee's idea to audition at companies, mainly because she wanted to do it, but she didn't want to do it alone. The deal was that they would both audition at various companies, but their parents wouldn't let them sign with the company unless they were both accepted. But of course they had to make a game of it. Whoever got accepted first would be the other's slave for a week and do what the other said, and then who ever got accepted into the most companies would get a free dinner out of the other. (How 11-12 year old Junho came up with that money was beyond Geonhee) Junho won the first bet, but Geonhee was accepted into the most companies. It wasn't until late 2006 tht they signed with a company, Maroo Entertainment. Maroo was a small company, but it was a perfect start for the two who were always competing to be better than the other. (No matter how much their parents tried to calm them down from it. Siblings should work together, not compete aginst each other. But that's what made things fun for them. Not to mention it pushed them to get better. 2008 comes around and Maroo Ent goes through a period where they are extremely low on money, thus causing them to cut most of their trainees from their program, thus leaving both Junho and Geonhee out of a company. But not soon after Junho was contacted by Loen Ent about joining their company. He told them the only way he would even consider auditioning is if his sister was considered as well. They both trained for a short period at Loen, but after a while junho hit a plateu. He wasn't improving and he wasn't worsing. He was just stuck. After a particularly bad monthly review, it was suggested that he switch over to acting. It took a little convincing, but eventually he switched over. Eventually Geonhee got an offer to join another company with a guaranteed oppourtunity for debut. Which she took. Junho left the company soon after, even after switching to acting, he wasn't really improving. Junho took a short break from training, hoping that it would help. Focus on school and maybe take some time to hang out with kids his age and not worryabout the next audition or the next monthly evaluation. It was a nice break for his parents, but for him, he couldn't stop thinking about getting back to training. A year later in 2013 he was approached by an entertainment scout from JYP. He jumped on that chance so fast his parents didn't have a chance to even process the transition before they were signing the papers for him to start all over again at another company. At first he didn't like JYP. It was so different from his previous companies, both of which were signifigantly smaller and much more intimate with his training, and he always had his sister. But after a while it became a routine for him and he fell right back into it. He enterted the company as an acting trainee, but one of the teachers heard him singing in a practice room during free time and pretty much dragged him to the head trainer and had him work as a dual trainee, with his main focus as acting, since he found a talent in that and it was a more feasable goal for him. He was disappointed when he wasn't able to debut in Got7 or Day6. He was stuck working on his training and working towards an acting debut. That was until he was chosen to participate in Twenty One.   
+ Likes : 3+
- Singing
- Spicy Food
- Dogs (omg is that a puppy?? I WANT THE PUPPY)
+ Dislikes : 3+
- Spiders (You would never thought he could scream that loud)
- Cake (he mainly just hates frosting because its overly sweet. But he loves cheesecake)
- off tune/pitch/terrible vocal technique
+ Habits : 2+
- He chews on the skin of his lip or the inside of his cheek when he's being critiqued/yelled at/ect.
- When he's warming up he will move his hands up and down with a scale (if he's not playing the piano with it)
+ Hobbies : 1+
- Music LOL (Litterally this kid's life has revolved around it as long as he can remember. Piano, guitar, singing, it doesn't matter.)
+ Trivia : 5+
- Junho is known as little J or Little Junho in the company (thanks to the big/old Junho.) But he's rarely called that except by JYP occasionally and most of the 2pm boys. And min. Min loves to call him Little J. 
- He's either Aual or Demiual, but he doesn't know that. He just hasn't dated or really been attracted to anybody. He blames it on the fact that he's too focused on this. 
- His favorite color is green.
- He doesn't have his license
+ Stagename : Jude (Originally JYP wanted it to be Frankie, but some of the other PR people thought it sounded too silly.)
+ Main Talent Twin : Seo In Guk (EVERYTHING JK. His main focus is currently Acting strongly followed by Vocals.)
+ Other Talent Twin(s) : Seo In Guk (Vocal, Dance) (Rap because why not)
+ Trainee Years : 2006-2008 (Maroo Ent) 2008-2012 (Loen Ent) 2013-Present (JYP)
+ Trainee Life : Busy busy busy. Boucning back and forth between school and training, and then later between idol training and acting training. It could be draining, but Junho had a goal and he was going to achieve it in any way possible. So he worked and worked and did everything he could to help increase his chances to debut faster. He prefered the smaller companies training because it was more personalised for him, but with JYP he felt like it was going to be easier for him to debut. Until both got7 and Day6 debuted and there was still nothing in sight for him. Even with his acting training. No dramas or anything.
+ How do you feel about being in a survival show? : I am actually highly anticpating it. I can't wait to get in front f the cameras and show off everything. It's been proven successful in getting more fans, I mean look at our seniors Winner and Ikon, Vixx, Twice, Monsta X, Up10tion. It's a good idea. I have confidence I'll make it to the end.
+ What do you think will make you stand out? : I have a lot of confidence that I will definitely shine in the acting and the singing departments. I can keep up in everything. I'll try everything once and I'll put forth all the effort to succeed.
+ Where do you think you're lacking? : Variety and Languages. I want to improve my english and japanese so I am able to better communicate with other fans. I feel when it comes to variety I don't do as well. I much prefer a script in front of me than just saying whatever comes to mind. I feel with time I will get better. I'll make sure to work extra hard in those areas.
+ Do you think you can beat the other contestants for a spot in the final lineup? : I have a lot of confidence that I will be in the final line up.
+ Anything you'd like to say to the viewers? : I can't wait to see you all on the final stage. Please anticipate me!
+ Comments / Concerns :
// Oh wow I finished him a little faster than anticipated. I really wanted to make him a little but I have plans to use a little for something else, so you get this overly controling insecure sweetheart.
+ Scene suggestions / Requests :
// idk I can't think of anything
+ Questions :
// still nada
+ Password :
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