Whatever happened to being considerate?

Maybe it's my age showing but when I was growing up, my parents taught me to treat others as I would like to be treated. Today I had the "pleasure" of running into a girl who thinks that laughing at others misfortune and uncaring about their feelings, calling them pathetic and weak, is what constitutes as "self-confidence".

No, child. Self confidence is not beating others down to lift yourself up. The phrase she's looking for is BULLYING.

So what ever happened to people giving a damn about one another??? *shakes head in bewilderment*


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Well i dont really know what happened but you should just ignore her
i mean that girl is probably just a really unhappy person and taking it out on you
That really is a sad girl.
Yeah I can't agree more with you. Like people started to enjoy seeing others having a hard time it's really revolting
People forget that the world doesn't revolve around them. It becomes an issue for them when things don't go their way, and as a result they lash out. It's stupid and childish and very VERY irritating, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Hopefully this blog reintroduces the concept of 'being nice' and 'being a civil human being'.
I understand how you kind of feel. There's like this guy that does that at school as a joke but he sometimes goes over the top but he doesn't care. He continues to do it saying he feeds on our misfortunes :(
I agree with you 100%! Some people just never grow up, and the act like the world OWES them something and they can get it through bullying and being rude to other people. I hate people like that.
This post is full of lies
I never said any of those things
This is just your take on what I said, and its twisted
You feel the need to blow what i said out of proportion, fine, but stop lying on me
Show me where I called anyone weak or pathetic? I never did
But thanks for devoting a blog to me. its nice to know that you're that upset by my a conversation you elbowed your way into with a whole bunch of insults and assumptions
Now you post a self righteous blog like you got wronged?
I'm getting to my 22 at the end of the year and I feel the exact same way. Aside from college I work in an elementary school and kids are though, way thougher than what we were growing up. Respect for adults is getting lost and so does between themselves
That really and is never okay.

You shouldn't rise up if you have to shove other people back down on the way.
Let me just squeeze myself in here.

I read the whole conversation, my initial thought was wow -Tigress- really handed it to her.

The urge to counter-argue with her was tempting, but I knew straight away that arguing with people like her is futile to say the least. She'll never get it, and she'll never understand until it's too late.

But still, I think you handled your stance well and presented a clear opinion so props to you.
This is so wrong... they need to learn about manners and also loving kindness
She needs to relearn what self confidence means. That's all I got for her.
I think part of that is the difference between letting children be children versus letting children be s. I've had similar feelings myself and I lament the direction things have gone in society in some respects. Not everyone is a cad but it's definitely more prominent today. That could be a side effect of their being more people but yeah... It .

I guess we just have to keep maintaining a standard until it comes back around again, where being civil is normal and we can treat each other with respect.