One Man Graphic Shop


Whoop, so I finally decided to manage a one man graphic shop-- yis. Kuma will still be open of course, but it'll only be for reviews now. I'll be opening my shop very soon ... maybe later when I'm no longer lazy (or tomorrow lmao). Also! Jae designed and coded my shop's layout ( same for KUMA, YOU GUYS SHOULD SEE IT, IT'S SO CUTE : " )))) )  and I love it very much aswdefegrg <3 It features Crimson Typhoon, if you guys don't know who that is, it's from Pacific Rim, that beautiful jaeger from China. HAHAHAHAHA <3 Thanks Jae, my broooo, for the awesome layouts! I know you know this already, but you're so amazing I'm so proud ;; u ;;

Alright, I think that's it. LOL, wish me luck in managing the gs, I hope I don't disappoint anyone. Also, thank you to everyone who subscribed and upvoted Kuma! I love you goise <3



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Omg its a one man shop are you going to be okay with all of that work? Please don't take on more work than you can handle, good luck bb (>人<;) don't forget to take care of your health or I'll worry ヽ(´o`;
Hey bei
You are taking your awesomeness to an other level.
and I wish your shop all the luck :D
cant waiiiiiiiiittttttt