Do you mind when an author updates but without a new chapter?

Like say they want their story to be at the top of the most recent list and so they update but without a new chapter. (Without a notice/post/message btw--so a literal empty update aha.)
Do you, as a subscriber to said story, get annoyed or would you only be if they did it often? xD




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Idk sometimes I'm like wtf is going on??
I guess it's to promote their story again to the front page?
I'm sad if there's no update because usually the stories that I'm subbed to are the ones I look forward to the most.
That's weak
claire088 #3
I'm usually okay with simply author notes or updates as such, but when there's absolutely no new content it bothers me because usually you like seeing the stories you like being updated, but when there's nothing there it makes you sad...