What's something you look forward to as a fanfic writer?

Like either something daily or a goal you have in mind.


For example, one of my goals is to have a story become well known (in a good way xD) to the point that someone would want to draw a "character(s)" from it. I also could draw them myself ('cause I like to draw as well) but I'm probably never gonna post my art on here haha. This site is strictly for me to write and read :3.


What about you all? Any goals and such?


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Hayaley #1
Short term goal - comments or loyal readers
Long term - Have one of my stories be made into a movie or drama
I guess it all comes down to comments.
Majority of the time I want to hear what my readers think, but I know it's sort of hard to express themselves since a good handful of them are silent readers.
Minini #3
My goal? Honestly for the moment just gaining one or two loyal readers would be enough. I also have one more... Daring goal, that being to win a contest. I once got Readers' Choice on another site and it honestly felt soooo good I wanna experience that again.