So much ...

Where do I begin?


My Saturday morning was ruined the very minute I woke up and read about Christina Grimmie, one of my favorite singers and one of the nicest, most humble human beings to ever walk this planet. If you do not know already, she was shot in Orlando after a concert while signing autographs. Her brother tried to attack him and then the shooter fatally shot himself. 24+ hours have past, and I still cannot wrap my head around the situation. I still cannot comprehend how and why anyone would shoot such an amazing, sweet person. She did not deserve such a cruel death. And what astounds me is the fact that he easily entered the venue with guns on him when a normal concert goer can't even bring water bottles or food or cameras (depending on location) yet he easily bypassed security and got away with what he did.


And then late that night I read about the Orlando shootings at the Pulse nightclub. At the time, I think 50 (give or take) or so were injured and only 20 ish were dead. Now, 50 people are dead, the incident is classified as the greatest mass shooting since Sandy Hook, and it breaks my heart. I am an LGBTQ+ supporter and hearing this devastated me to say the least. AND people who are still alive but are in critical condition need blood but GUESS WHAT: LGBTQ+ PEOPLE ARE PROHIBITTED FROM DONATING BLOOD.




I don't know what to say... I wish America was more strict about its gun laws. Yes, people kill people, but they do it a LOT more easily WITH GUNS. HOW MANY SHOOTINGS WILL WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH UNTIL PEOPLE DECIDE TO TAKE ACTION TO END SUCH INJUSTICE!? How can people seripusly believe that trans people in their bathroom of choice are a threat to our youth?! THIS WAS A HATE CRIME. THIS WAS A CRIME MOTIVATED BY HOMOPHOBIA. DONT BRING ISLAMOPHOBIA INTO THIS (apparently the shooter was/is Muslim and works for ISIS but i don't know at this point because I'm too depressed to read any more articles).  



To add to my terrible weekend, along with my usual depression, I was further saddened when I read that 4minute was disbanding. Truthfully, I should have seen this coming because their comebacks are so infrequent and Hyuna is so popular and all that, but I'm still upset because they were such a solid group and ALL of their title tracks DELIVERED. I think the only song I don't like is 'I Hate You' but other than that, their songs were PERFECT. Their songs always slayed and they will always have a special place in my heart. 


Just to clarify, by talking about 4minute in this post, I am NOT saying that the severity of sadness associated with 4minute's disbandment is comparable to the devastation of Grimmie's death or the Orlando shooting. That was my personal addition because I'm depressed to begin with; all these events happening right after each other just further depress me. 



I wish I knew what else to say. I wish I knew how to help the people affected by the shooting. Unfortunately, I'm not old enough to vote yet, so I cannot elect the politicians whom I believe will make a difference. I cannot donate because I do not have my own money. I feel helpless but I want to give help to those who need it now. I urge you all to help to the best of your abilities. 


I'll probably update this later with stuff to add, but for now, PLEASE remember this:

Keep the families & friends of the deceased victims, surviving victims, LGBTQ+ members, and EVERYBODY in your thoughts and prayers. I hope that something like this never happens again, but living in America, I'm sure it's bound to reoccur. It breaks my heart to say it, but I have lost hope ever since those kids died in the Sandy Hook shooting. It will take a miracle to turn this all around. 


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I live in America and honestly this country is so ed up. The Netherlands and places like Sweden and Norway don't have these problems; why can't the world take their example and just stop killing each other?