Every Soul Toils...

Every soul toils to find their way, a winding path of dreams and rain, with glorious moments of joy and pain...

Find something in this world that makes your heart sing and never stop doing it...

Remember there are folks all over the world who embrace life, will welcome your spirit and rejoice in tolerance...

Seek these people out, even if they're online, and always strive to be the best possible version of yourself...



:) PJ



Younha (윤하) 

What Does My Heart Become: 

< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wl55rIlUTs&list=PLlVqMq0qWzjW3Vkdal2FylJ-kMe57x9CD&index=36 >



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She has a beautiful voice...gives me chills.
Hayaley #2
Love Younha - as a singer and composer.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I have a gooey center so I tend to purge my feelings after I write. :)
Very inspirational.