asdfghjklöä comebackkk

Hey guyssss

i know it's been a long time since I last updated and i'm sry for that but my teachers are literally like that:

*cloudy weather with lots of rain and lots of demotivation* (time to read fanfics and dwell in imaginations)

Teachers *happy*: Finally my students are quiet *-* time to catch up the sleep i missed the last nights doing it with my wife hehe

*sunshine, good mood, MOTIVATION* (time to write fanfics and let yOUR INSPIRATION FLOWW)

Teachers *grumpy*: Time to get that exams written. Let's see if these es will pass this year if we put all tests in TWO FCKING WEEKS

anyways... sorry i'm kinda hyper cause of EXO'S COMEBAck WHOOP WHOOP \O/ finallyyyyy

did you watch the music videos already? :D omg i watched each at least 10 times in a row hahah

what do you think about them? i think it's really different from their songs before but i like it so much *~*


kpop broke his arm -.-

there was such a funny pic of jongin i wanted to put in here but it isn't working T.T

[edit (why am i editing a blog? idk...): it worked hehe]

Someone get me a doctor pls monster had me getting a heart attack o.o

Well however, i will try to update as soon as possible!! probably in july or something <3

stay ex'actly how you are haha :D see you xxxx






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omg lucky one and monster literally killed me I can't