The Luckiest


I'm just have a thought.

The one who luckiest.

Not the one he takes photo with.

Not the one who he dates with.

Not the one who got close with him.

But the one who willing to marries and live for the rest of life with him.

The one who willing to take care of him.

The one he loves wholeheartedly.

Not the one they said the luckiest just because her got to took photo with him.

Or dates him.

Or close with him.

Sure they're lucky.

But not lucky enough.

So, who will be the luckiest?






Just a little rambling though. I feel down right now.




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I mean, that depends on how happy their marriage is, doesn't it? Marriage doesn't mean ever happiness. The one he dates might be the one he loves wholeheartedly, the one who's close to him may be the luckiest because they know him so well - and the one that takes a picture with him may be the luckiest because they get to document something that may changed their life for the better. I don't think you can say that one is luckier than the other. uu'