I am invisible

So basically, i posted a story yesterday, then told a friend of mine to read it because she's been asking about it before. She typed the title in the search bar here and told me nothing shows up? But my story is still up for reading (i think?) Why doesn't it appear when people search for it then? And another thing, i read the comments on a story i reviewed earlier on the same day and noticed my comment was missing? Then when i logged in my profile, i could see my comment still right there among the others, so basically the only way to view the comments i write is when i'm logged in? Does that mean no one else can read them, including authors of the stories i review? Didn't know where to ask about this issue, so i'm reaching out to you guys. This same thing ever happened to someone else? Help ;(




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joey-mccoy #1
I've had the "search for a story while not logged in and nothing come up" happen before (but not the commenting bit). I don't know much about how AFF works or privacy levels and things like that, but I just assumed that it was because the story was marked a certain way. Now that I've used AFF more often, I don't think that's a possibility, so it might just be the servers needing time to index everything and show up?? I'm with <a href="http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1275721">;BaekDaHellUp</a> on this. You might just need to ask AFF and see if this is a common issue or not. (It could also be something like your ad-blocker – if you have one installed – messing with the site and blocking certain content? I've had that happen to me before on some blogs.)
satsumasama #2
i just searched it and it does come up! maybe it was just a glitch?
Ask the aff helper? :(