please help me decide~~ T-T

I was informed the i'm choosen to join student council camp this evening..and the camp will be tommorow for 3 was so last minute everyone just got the news by 6.30 pm just now...and now i was in a great dilema whether i'm going or not....

my reason for going is

-i got certificates

-i will be one of the candidates for university student council for the next sem

-there will be bunch of great xtvt there

-plus we will be satying at the resort

-my mom allows me


why i'm not going is

-i got assingment needed to be submited by next week and it's about 70% finish

-i got test!! also next week

-i hate packing stuff last minute



urghhhh!!!!!! idk what 2 do!!!!! 

so shoul i go or not???????


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you can also count the trip as an experience...maybe you can start practicing time management as well :)
msdarkeyes #2
you can study for your test there!kekeke
If there are more pros than cons, then you should definitely join! ^^ Camping is fun! :D