What happened to us yesterday & today.

My crush and I. ;D


 I was seating on our class' teacher/s' table while eating candies.

Suddenly, he approach me and asked me for some.

When I agreed to give him some, he placed his hand under the wrapper so he will catch the candies that will pour out.

In the end, our hands ended up touching.

It's half rough; half soft!


Also, our class is asked to sing a song.

Our adviser asked us to transfer seats.

Girls on the right side and boys on the left.

I ended up sitting on the chair beside his.

To be able to sit on his chair, I made an lame excuse.

I said that I want to lean my head on the wall (since he's beside it).

And that friend of mine did exchange seats with me.



I wasn't wearing my glasses this morning so I asked my guy friend to lend his glasses to me for a while.

After I used it, my crush wore it!

When he took it off, he said, he feels so weird so I taught him sth to make him feel better.

And guess what?! He did it! ;D


He also borrowed my fan for a long time and only gives it back when I need it.


The best part is, we are sitting in the same position, most of the time.

<33333~! :"> >XD


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BlueBlossom #1
so cuteeeeeeeee
sweet! <33 ! You are like a couple! :DD Maybe the two of you will end up together! awww! <33
It looks like a fanfic's story ! ^^ cute!
It looks like a fanfic's story ! ^^ cute!
orange_carnival #6
Awww... Can you sau a future couple much?! So sweet to each other....
hahaha i really think he likes you or im just imagining...
hfiodshgisgodspfj; just go outtttttttttttt. You two act like a couple alreadyyyy. fbvousdgfosd; it feels like I'm watching- er reading a dramaaaaaaa. e U e;;
That's so cute~
that's cute, what if he likes you!
8DD OMG...wait what if he somehow found out ur blog? >:o
AWWW~ That's so cute <3
My crush is in another class, so we barely talk. =_=
KYAAAA so cute!!!!!