EXO's comeback.

I am just-- I don't know. I mean, I'm excited for it. Like-Oh my god! Finally! But everything is so confusing. 


13315791_513929918799439_368038322444256 Lol XD . The fudge is that right? 

Have you  seen the new logo? 

13344559_1315110778503683_31802970439035And I was not sorry to react like, what the heck? A puzzle chuchu mazed again? I'm not good with this. I'm not even over with the maze on overdose era T.T . 


And I'm stupid because, at first I really don't get it then a friend of mine told it was "Exact" . And yes, really I am. Huhuhu. 


I'm so depressed with that but I'm feeling all giddy! 

Also, have you watched the choreography leaking in the sites? That part of steps is amazing, with a capital A. It's like a representation for the first logo monster where there are bones used. Sment is being creepy nowadays, lol. I think they kidnapped someone to get those bones and there's a screw (I really don't how you call that little thing) that was like a radius of a circle. 


I don't know what I'm talking about seriously. But exo is agjsakhilhfe, my keyboard messed up. 


Have a lovely day guys! Hope we all survive the continouos flow of news in everywhere! :D


Oh by the way, Chanyeol posted a new picture on instagram. He's still handsome, don't worry.


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Madelynol203 #1
I've seen so many theories. One was that it spelled out Texaco which is a gas station, which equals fire, which means the comeback is gonna be lit lol. But I think Texaco has something to do with demons or something...idk I've heard to many things.