there was a birthday :)

hey guys. i won't lie and say that im fine, but i'm trying :D so... the last couple days had been hectic. Out of sheer fury (lmao) I ended up getting myself an expensive-ish blouse cause 'not like i need the money for my it looks pretty'. Then I managed to convince my friend to come in the end (she was all sad for days cause issues but I dragged her here and it was more or less fun :D There were some..hiccups but I'd rather not mention them. We also visited my sis at her workplace so yea :D I'm also dragged out to walk every second evening or so by my friend. The funny fact is that while we do it to lose weight...we always get some snacks after that. But it's fun tbh, and better than not doing anything. We bought pizza last night and it was cheap AND good. Pretty rare combo :D 

So... I just gonna post some pics now cause soon i gotta get going and yea. I..think I lost some weight which is good but like my blouse is 3 sizes smaller than the ones I got at the same place some time ago so.. guess it's progress? (it is a baggy blouse tho so yea xD) Also gonna post newest posters cause this is a dumb cause why not.

ilyall <3




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u is pretty~ really pretty! btw love the edits!
Iliveforyou #2
Omg you look like gandhi.