LOCK ℓ Position ℓ Ahreum

Moon Ahreum
Mosterful - Jess
ℓ NICKNAME(S) - Alin - Her chinese name. Not often used unless being introduced to important people when she was in Taiwan, or when she's introducing herself/speaking mandarin. 
Ahri/Ahree - What a lot of her other english speaking friends tried to shorten her name to because they didn't want to learn her full name. She never responded to it, she hated it when they called her that, mainly because all you needed to add to her name was the 'um' and then you have her actual name. She was encouraged to take an english name in school, but she didn't want to. She's proud of her name. Plus she thinks its stupid. She doesn't even use Alin unless she has to.
Ahreumma - She's quite motherly in her affection. She's the mom friend. The Fairy Squad Mother, other witty names that I can't think of currently in relation to being the sane one that doesn't want everyone to die when they do something stupid.

ℓ BIRTHDAY - 12/07/95
ℓ BIRTHPLACE - Seoul, South Korea
ℓ HOMETOWN - Taipei, Taiwan

ℓ ETHNICITY - Korean
ℓ NATIONALITY - Korean (She holds dual citizenship to Taiwan and Seoul, like the rest of her family. For her and her parents it was a long process, but her siblings were born in Taiwan so they were lucky.)
ℓ LANGUAGES - Korean (Native language)
                       - English (She attended and international school for all but 2 of her school years.)
                       - Mandarin (She lived in taiwan from 1997-2013. And her father is fluent in the language.)
ℓ FACE CLAIM - Sowon (Gfriend)
ℓ BACK UP - YooA (OMG)

ℓ WEIGHT - 52.16 kg
ℓ HEIGHT - 166 in cm

Ahreum has a slightly darker complexion with very light freckles on her face. But her legs are what differ the most between her and her fc. Ahreum's thighs are thick and muscular, thanks to the many years she spent dancing. In all honesty most of her fitness comes from dancing, thats how she maintains her shape. 
Ahreum dresses like a lot of other kids her age do, comfortable. She needs to wear something light and breathable. She loves joggers and can usually be seen wearing those. She wears a lot of athletic wear in general, especially since she really never leaves the studio. She has a lot of dance clothes as she likes to refer to it. Clothing she is okay with practically ruining by sweating in it so much from dancing. She's especially picky with textures. If its thick or scratchy, good luck getting Ahreum to wear it. She hates wearing pants, especially jeans. She likes to refer to them as leg prisons. She's fine with Jeggins, thats the closest to jeans you can get her to wear. 
When Ahreum is out of the studio and is actually going out to places where she can't wear her dance gear and actually has to dress herself. Leggins and a cute shirt or sweater is her go to. She usually layers, her looks is often described as kind of an accessable preppy. Not like super preppy, but stuff put together that you could find at any major chain store. (Cough cough target cough cough) Ahreum actually likes to wear dresses and skirts to the surprise of many. She loves to spin around in them, and have them fly up. She always wear spanx with them. She'll usually wear spanx with everything. She tends to just walk around the dorms with spanx on and a sports bra. She has no shame in showing off her body behind the camera, but gets incredibly shy when its on. 
(+) Bright, Optomistic, Smart, Passionate, Compassionate, Introverted, Perfectionist (Both postive nd negitive) Independant
(-) Pushover, One Track Minded, Conflict avoidance, Sensitve to critiques, tends to overthink, Hard Headed, slightly emotinally unpredicatble/unavalible.

Ahreum has two different ways to describe her, three counting how she acts on stage, but mainly two different ways.

Level One Ahreum is the one that everyone sees, She's usually quite bright and optomistic. She has a comfort zone and sticks to it, but you can definitely tell she enjoys what she does for the most part. She's intellegent, albeit a little weird at times. She's incredibly passionate about her work, and has some ambitious goals she is more than willing to share with others. She's incredibly maternal and tends to immediately start taking care of others. She's is very compassionate and is one of those people who would jump in front of a train to save a stranger she has never met. Ahreum is very aware of what the word sacrifice means, and has no problems doing it. In fact, she can be quite the door mat. Ahreum does NOT like conflict and will do anything to avoid it. Usually playing it off, or pushing it off until it ends up becoming an even bigger problem. 
Level 1.5 is sort of her stage personality. It's a stepping stone between the two, mainly because Ahreum finds it easier to communicate through dance. You can honestly tell she loves it as soon as the music starts, its hard for her to keep the smile off of her face, and its 100% genuine. Her mother would often tell her that was one of the many reasons she loves to watch her dance. Because you can feel how much she loves it. God forbid she gets in an accident that paralizes her, Ahreum would be devistated and probably lose her will to live. She's been dancing for as long as she remebers. Its a stress releiver, a relaxer, a distractor, a communication tool, it is litterally everything to her. Which is why she works nonstop at it, and why her life has revolved around it for the past 10+ years. Beyond that, Ahreum is usually all smiles while on screen, she's incredibly happy to have the oppourtunity she has been given, and being the daughter of a political diplomat, she's incredibly well spoken (When rehersed. Don't put her on the spot otherwise she will never be able to forget it and regret everything. She'll overthink it and it will ruin her good mood and then she'll just be sad. Nobody wants a sad puppy on their hands.) Ahreum is very well aware of the cameras and who gets the most screen time. She's weird like that, she picks up on little things like that, so she tends to give up her time on screen to please the netziens and give it too the more popular members since there better at it than her. Its a joke within the company and fandom that she's like an on screen manager. Until she's put on the spot, then that's a job for the leader to handle. She has yet to shut down or have a public 'episode'. She's pretty good about sensing when theyre coming on and excusing herself so she can get herself together. 
Level Two Ahreum is somebody that is a lot more vunrible and tends to be only shown towards family and close friends. It's a more indepth versions of 1 and 1.5 and helps others put two and two together as to why she acts the way she does. Ahreum, when she was younger, was quite the happy but socially awkward kid. But as she has grown older, it's developed into a more social anxiety. She's introverted, but she's okay with being around people, and enjoys it sometimes. It just drains her of her energy. She's like a phone battery. Some things drain her faster than others. She tires easily after being around lots of people or in new situations. She definitely prefers to be alone in places she knows, or at least somewhere with osmebody she knows and trusts. She has slight OCD behaviors and gets quite upset when somebody messes with them. Mainly just involving textures and feeling things. She is quite sensitive to critisism, though she tries her best to not let it affect her. She's incredibly protective of her friends. She just wants everything to be perfect for them. She is a perfectionist, an extreme one at that. To the point where if she knows she can't make it perfect she wont try. She'll just outright refuse and become compleatly indifferent about it on the outside. But incredibly upset about the entire thing and dragging her feet about it. Ahreum HATES to be in situations she isn't prepaired for. She has a schedule and likes to stick to it. When shes thrown into unanticipated situations she shuts down. Too much stimilation and she just shuts down and freezes up. Nobody can touch her, talk to her or even breath in her direction or she might just freak out on them.
ℓ LIKES - Sour Candy, Soft cotton-y substances, metal (like titanium, steel, ect.) especially if it has carvings on it, Dance, Evan Yo, History, Conspeiracy Theory Documentaries, Crime/Drama shows like Criminal Minds. 
ℓ DISLIKES - Overly sweet things like syrup and frosting, watching/hearing people eat, Wool, tight clothing, feeling like she is suffocating, swimming, needles, bridges (She hates driving over them, she feels like it'll collapse at any moment.) being forced to do anything, especially if it scares her, losing control, unpredicatble situations, surprises, celebrating her birthday. (No real reason for that, she just hates it.)
ℓ HOBBIES - Legit her only real hobby is dancing, but she also enjoys reading and is a total cinephile. 
ℓ HABITS - Her stimming is usually her just her running her thumbnail over her finger prints, or just running her fingers over anything textured. She chews ont he ends of her pens, only writes with pens. 

ℓ Trivia -
Nothing confirmed, but fans (mainly international english speaking ones) have a headcannon that she's on the autism spectrum due to some of her behaviors.  But everybody is nearly certain she isn't Neurotypical.
Her favorite color is green
She's in love with Song Joongki (Penny Pinchers was one of her favorite movies, she also loved Werewolf boy.)
She rarely watches dramas, instead prefering movies
She loves fantasy movies and books, she wants to finish reading the Game Of Thrones series. (She's on the fourth book.)
She hates driving, prefers to ride bikes or walk everywhere if she has to. She gets carsick easily, so she usually gets to sit shotgun because that helps a bit.
She actually really likes the songs her company comes out with, she doesn't have one she hasn't liked yet tbh.
She refuses to read comments because she knows that will only put her in a bad mood and possibly put her into a self destructive depression cylce.
She's incredibly well read and up to date on the current world problems and has opions on almost all of them. (she's quite liberal and open about those opinions and loves a good debate)
She can move her ears
Ahreum also knows basic magic tricks. Mainly card tricks.
She's a fantastic jenga player.
Ahreum was born in Korea in december 1995 to a lovely couple as their eldest child. Her father being an ambassador between Korea and Taiwan, and her mother being an english teacher. So it was no doubt that by the time she grew up that Ahreum would be quite the political linguist. Her family had moved back to Taiwan in 1997. Early 1998, the Moon family welcomed their newest addition, a baby girl named Iseul. Ahreum loved her little sister, like she was so excited when her mom was prego and she was even more excited after she was born. When Ahreum was starting primary school, her family also welcomed another addition. A little brother this time by the name of Haneul. (There is a theme with their names. Theyre like 100% korean, there isn't really an equivalent in other languages. Their parents just wanted them to know and be proud of their roots, esepcially being born in a forgien country.) Being so young when she moved to Taiwan, Ahreum never really struggled. Not at leaset until she was older.
Ahreum was a happy and bright kid during her primary school days. She had weird little social quirks and ticks, but kids that age dont care, so long as you can play with them. That's exactly what Ahreum would do. She would often run around chasing kids in her neighborhood, or be chased. Go climb trees, play hide and seek, you name it. She was an incredibly rough and tumble kid. Her school would often take feild trips to various events in the city, museums, orchastra concerts, dance recitals, show filmings, you name it, she probably has been there and seen it. After a particular feild trip to a ballet recitle, Ahreum would dance around the house trying to mimic their moves and just play around pretending to be a dancer. She didn't think about dance lessons until her dad came home one day and saw her dancing around the house and just asked her if she wanted to take dance lessons. Without hesitation she said yes. So she began taking lessions at 9 years old. Her favorite style of dance that she learned was contemporary, and focused most of her time on that until she was older and switched back and forth between that and hip hop. 
When she was 17 her family came back to Korea for a vacation and to visit with family. It was just during the school's summer break and then they'd be right back in Taiwan. Her family decided to go to shopping in Myeongdong one day during the vacation. The kids needed some new clothing attire before school started back up, Iseul wanted to get into make up and skin care. (Ahreum already was blessed with pretty good skin, but she still took care of it. Thanks to her father's genes.) It got too loud and overwhelming for Ahreum, which wasn't new for her family. She'd often get stressed and over stimmulated in large crowds like that, but since she was old enough now to not have random meltdowns or to go off with strangers and be kidnapped without putting up a fight, her parents would let her go to whereever she needed to be to calm down, or to just sit in the car and wait for them. She ended up just sitting on the hood of the car until her parents came and got her. She could go shopping later at a less crowded time by herself. It was easier for her to do it that way. Less things to worry about and less chances of being super overhwelmed. So she was sitting on the hood of the car humming along to one of Evan Yo's latest releases (She adored him.) when somebody approached her. She didn't notice until they were practially standing over her, trying to get her attention. Which obviously startled her, but thank goodness she had already calmed down quite a bit and wasn't as overstimulated as she was earlier. They first started by asking if she spoke korean, which she confirmed, it was her native language after all. They started talking to her about kpop and the different companies, and then telling her about all the different things that come when you begin training at a company and just all that stuff in general. Ahreum had no idea how to politely tell them to leave or that she wasn't all that interested, after their schpeal, they gave her a card and told her to go to their open auditions in a week and that they would love to see her there. She never mentioned the encounter to her parents, it was just some weird thing, probably a scam. But the thouht of it never left her mind. She could dance on a stage. Professionally. She would be the best dancer in a group or as a soloist. So she googled the name on the card and the company's website pulled up, and it seemed legit enough. They had a few people under their company, and a boy group. She spent the entire day watching and learning everything she could about the company and the industry itself, and the more she read, the more she actually wanted to go an audition. But she was worried about the rejection. Being rejected would feel like a failure for her, and she didn't like to fail, especially at something she wanted to do. But that person had specifically told her to go audition, so she might as well have a spot waiting for her in the company. (She didn't realize that scouting was a common thing and just because you were scouted doesn't mean you had an automatic spot.) So she brought up the idea later that night at dinner to parents. She was expecting a more reluctant talk, but her parents were quiet encouraging of her to go for it. She had quiet a few useful skills and it would be a good opportunity for her. She could help make teens and young adults more political and interested in the inner workings of their own country, or promote educations. (Oh mom and dad. Looking so far into the bright future, having such big hopes lol.) Her sister was more than okay with it, actually wanting to audition with her (She was a huge fan of kpop, mainly bigger groups like Super Junior and Exo because they were often in Taiwan and promoting.) and her brother wanted to go with just to watch. Ahreum was nervous and didn't want anybody there that didn't need to be. Her mom could sense that and told the younger ones that when theyre 16/17 they can go and audition if they want to. But this was going to be Ahreum's thing. So her mom drove her to the open auditions and left her there to do her thing. So she went to audition and killed the dance part, did okay on the vocal part and quite a bit worse on the interview part. She was quite jittery and nervous when she got home. They said they would call her with in 14 business days with her results. When they did call her father got to the phone first, and Ahreum knew there was no way she could speak to anybody on the phoen without bursting into tears from all the anxiety, so her father told them she was out with friends and that he could tell her the results when she got back. She wasn't able to tell anything from what they were telling her father, but by the time he hung up, he couldn't hide his grin. He annouced that she made it and she just started crying because of all the different emotions runnign to the surface. She was overwhelmed with it but she was so excited and happy. She and her dad went to the company the next day to sign all the paper work and get things settled. She would have to stay in a dorm with other girls because her family would be going back to Taiwan in a few weeks. They would also have to transfer her to a school up in Korea. Her father insited that she attend an international one to retain her language skills. Just because he worked hard on making her trilingual. (teasingly but still kind of serious about it.) She began her training the week her family was set to leave for Taiwan again, but she knew she found what she wanted to do, so she knew she'd be okay.  
FATHERSHIP  Moon Youngjae  52  Youngjae was a very active father in Ahreum's life, when he wasn't at work. He was the one who would help her with work and encourage her to be curious and to never stop asking questions. She's definitely daddy's little girl, she adores her father and if she wasn't approached by the scout, she probaby would have followed in his footsteps in becoming a forgein diplomat. 
MOTHERSHIP  Moon Miyoon  44  Miyoon was a bit more strict with Ahreum, mainly because she was the oldest and she didn't want anything to go wrong with her. But she's always been encouraing of her pursueing her dreams. Ahreum still loves her mother and is incredibly thankful for her, but she isn't as close to her as she is with her dad.
 Moon Iseul  18  Honestly theyre very much sisters, they love each other, but they do fight sometiems, but as they've gotten older its more of play fighting than anything. Iseul understand's Ahreums quirks more than anybody else does, and she is always tryign to help accomidate her and help her out. Iseul wants to go and audition at Jellyfish as soon as she finishes high school down in Taiwan (or FNC she said. Because AOA is gorgeous and total Goals to her.)
 Moon Haneul  16  Haneul is a lot like Ahreum, following in her footsteps with dance, exvept he's more into ballet and has aspirations to join a ballet troupe in Taiwan and become a professional Ballarino. Ahreum is the only other one in the family who truely understands why he loves dance so much. But he's still her annoying, gross, younger brother. 
 Go Mina  20  Mina joined Jellyfish after Ahreum, and wouldn't leave the other one alone, so they had to become friends. Mina is more vocally focused than Ahreum who really only cared about dancing. Mina's the type of girl who is totally boy crazy, which Ahreum loves. She just loves to hear about the other's crazy antics and latest crushes. Mina expands Ahreum's comfort zone, and is her anchor when she does feel like things are spiraling out of control. They're training buddies as Mina likes to say. 
ℓ POSITION - Main Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist
ℓ TALENT TWINS - Ferlyn (Singing/Rapping (Korean), D a n c i n g )

ℓ TRAINING TIME - 2012-present
ℓ TRAINEE LIFE - Trainee life for Ahreum was busy, but that's because she kept it like that. After her first year there, one of the teachers told her she needed to take a step back from dance and focus on other aspects on her training if she ever wanted a chance to debut. Ahreum took that as she needed to do everything and be good at everything before debuting, so she spent every free hour at the company and doing everything she could get her hands on. She needed this, and she was going to get everything right if it killed her. She was pretty sure everyone at the company knew her by name because of how often she was there. She almost quit as a trainee and dropped down to a backup dancer after she was given an offer by her dance teacher. She would be on stage, she'd be dancing, but the attention wouldn't be on her. That sounded like a pretty nice deal to her, but she knew she wouldn't be fully satisfied until she compleated her goal. But at least this way she'd have something to fall on if it didn't go through.  

ℓ PREDEBUT - Nothing beyond accidentally walking in while Vixx or Seo Inguk were filming things in the building. Mainly because they were filming in her favorite spots or places she's usually at without telling her. So people might have seen her occasionally walk in and out in Vixx TV or on the official Jellyfish instagram. She was originally considered for one of the trainees for Producers 101, but the company didn't feel like she would make it very far since she is a much stronger dancer than a vocalist or a rapper, and those ones seem to do better they've come to find.
ℓ NAME - She has no clue what she is, but she's pretty greyual for the most part.  

Tbh anybody in vixx *coughcoughcoughcoughKencoughcoughcough* actually she really doesn't care. It's never been a thougth in her head. She likes nice guys with killer smiles though, who can be cute and fun. And she definitely needs somebody understanding and pacient, especially with her and her quirks. Somebody who is okay with a little bit of push and pull. (A lot tbh. she runs hot and cold A LOT.) Height never matters to her, she doesn't really care about looks either. She just can't be in a relationship that she is tied down in either. She needs to be able to feel free. The minute she starts to feel suffocated she'll run. And it's not the type of run you chase after her because she'll want to be alone. She'll need somebody who's able to differenciate between the different moods she has too, she wont be able to explain it so she'll be no help. 

ℓ RELATIONSHIP - Tbh she's fine without one if you don't want to do one, but I am all for crushes lol. 

Nothing older than like 6 years older, and she wont date younger. Younger guys are gross lol. 
COMMENTS - So I was listening to vixx hte entire time I filled out this app, and like well yeah. Things happened oops. ALSO I FINISHED AND I NEED TO GO DO SOMETHINGS REAL QUICK BUT I WANTED TO TURN IT IN ALREADY, SO I'LL COMEBACK AND FINISH THIS SECTION LATER. ALSO PARDON SPELLING ERRORS AND WHATNOT. I HAVENT HAD A CHANCE TO GO THROUGH EVERYTHING YET. ILYBB ENJOY MY CHILD. <3 Okay I'm all done! If I have to add anything now I shall make it red and I'll let you knw :D

SUGGESTIONS - So if you want to do weird concepts like Vixx: But Go, Volume Up, Hate You, Red Light That's all I have for songs that are like vixx but I know plenty other 5 member songs that I can suggest as well as various cover videos and stuff.




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