
Someone just used my laptop and deleted everything. All my kpop stuffs and Photoshop stuffs. Everything! Even the drafts for my fanfics. God knows how mad I am rite now.


Ouh, . 


I got 3000 images of my bias in the folder.


N ,


I didn't even have any back up.


Screw everything


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colormeaqua #1
Don't panic! There's many programs that help you recover every single file. Not too long ago the same thing happened to one of my folders with all my kpop MVs. I was super mad because most MP4 files never recover their names so that means I'd have to go rename each. One by one for the more than 500 files. T.T

Either way, you can look online for programs that help you. Even if the computer has been restarted, etc. you can still get them back. I personally used EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard but I did see quite a few others while looking online. So give them a try!
omg i feel bad for you. But since nothing can be done , lets hope that time heals