TRV : Seo Aera

seo, Aera。
Aera is still a kid, and she doesn't realize that she isnt right all the time. She still struggling with the fact that some of the people she cared the most about left her and isn't coming back. She feels things too much or too deep. Her hatred is way too strong and her happiness shines so bright. She needs to learn to tone it down a notch and to wear a better poker face if she wants to get anywhere in life. She also needs to learn to do things for herself instead of for her sister or for her mother to feel better. Aera needs to be Aera, she just needs to figure out how to do that first.

I am not your plaything.

NAME seo aera (서애라)
OTHER NAME(S) Annie - her english name. She thinks it's stupid but her teacher picked it out for her since she was being difficult and didn't want to pick an english name. You call her Annie and she will forever ignore your existance.
NICKNAME(S) Daera Mingu - Her name mixed with korea. She's a proud citizen and incredibly patriotic. It's a silly, but fans call her that regardless, especially since she's always so vocal about voting and all that stuff.
D.O.B 08 29, 1997 (18)
BIRTHPLACE Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi, South Korea.
HOMETOWN Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi, South Korea.
LANGUAGES Korean - Fluent - Native langauge and she's incredbily proud of it.
                     English - Conversational - She was forced to take classes in school she doesn't practice it unless she's                         forced to.
                      Chinese - basics - She is studying the language on her own because it actually interests her. Though                             everyone has been encouraging and fighting for her to learn english. 

FACECLAIM Halla (the ark).
BACKUP FACECLAIM Jane (the ark.)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT 166cm (still growing as she points out) 52kgs.
APPEARANCE Aera looks almost exactly like her face claim, but she has a small scar on her left eyebrow from a fall she had when she was younger. She also has sunkissed skin that she is incredibly proud of. She has a few other miscellaneous small scratches and scars covering her arms and legs from when she was younger. 
STYLE When she's not in her school uniform, Aera is usually in jeans or shorts, and basic graphic tshirts. She dresses like almost any other girl her age, comfortable and easy.



PERSONALITY You ask anybody about Aera, and they'll definitely have a lot to say. She's feisty, hard headed, opinioinated, angry, unbreakable. Being as young as she is, she is quite educated on what goes on in the political aspects of her government. She has to be to have opionions. Aera hates to be called ignorant so she does everything she can to be aware of everything. Aera is incredibly smart and ambitious, originally wanting to become a lawyer focusing on international crimes. She has a strong sense of justice, you are either right or you are wrong, and she (beleives) is always right. Like a typical teenager, she feels she knows everything, but unlike a lot of other teenagers, Aera knows just enough to seem like she does know everything. 
She is proud, refusing to ask or accept help from anyone. She is incredibly stubborn, like it's bad how hard headed she is. And she will fight you if you challenge her, like she is more than willing to get into a fight. Almost like she's set on permenate fight mode with everyone and everything. Aera is an incredibly angry and angsty teen. But with all the injustice in the world who wouldn't feel that way. 
Once you get past that part of Aera (Which takes some time and a lot of putting up with her) she's incredibly caring, she cares too much, which is why she acts like that. She's also incredibly selective about who she lets see her like this, and just who she's around in general. She's super passionate about what she believes in. She doesn't do this for herself, she does this for her family. And Aera loves her family. If youre lucky enough to be included in that generalization, you will never be able to do any wrong in aera's eyes. You could murder somebody and she would defend you, so long as the person deserved it. She is feircely protective of those she cares about. 

BACKGROUND Aera was the youngest in her family, with two older sisters. (One being born in 1988 (Nayoung) and the other being in 1993(Boram)) Aera's entire family was close, including extended family. Often the kids would all head to one house after school and do their homework, eat dinner, play and go home. Aera was closest to her cousin Shim Miseon and her little sister Hasun. Everything was very normal for her growing up, nothing out of the ordinary beyond this week's crush for Miseon and Nayoung. Nothing noteworthy happened to her family until 2002. It was a surprise party for one of Nayoung and Miseon's friend from school, Shin Hyosung. Nayoung had gone ahead to her house tos et up, while Miseon distracted her at school to give enough time to set up. They were on their way home when a military convoy vehical hit and killed the two girls. (Now refered to as the Yangju High Way Incident by everyone.) Everyone in the family was absolutely devistated. Aera was only 5 but she remembered how upset everyone was. It wasn't until she was older when she understood how devistatingly unfair everything about the entire situation was. Nayoung was incredibly depressed for a while, and had to move away as soon as she was able to get away. She isolated herself in a smaller town on Jeju island away from everyone. Hasun's family moved away as well, nobody knows where they went. So it was just Boram and Aera left to deal with the family tragedy. Aera decided that she was going to become a lawyer so she could punish those who hurt her family. Because the lawyers that tried failed their job, and 12 year old Aera was sure she could do a better job when she was older. But her dreams changed when a talent scout from a small company called Star Empire approached her, asking her if she'd be interested in auditioning for their company. Miseon had always liked idol groups, she was a big fan of Sechs Kies, and was really liking Shinhwa. So 12 year old Aera went and told her parents that she wanted to become an idol because of Miseon. And of course her mother started crying and said that she could. Her dad didn't know about anything until after it had happend. But of course when she did go to audition she was turned away from the company after her mom filled out the paper work due to her young age and no background experience. Especially since they wanted to debut a girl group with in the next year. So her mom enrolled her into dance classes and Aera worked hard until she (her mom) felt ready to try again. (She always felt ready, but her mom not so much. The dismisal from the first company was hard for her, because it reminded her of when she carted around Nayoung and Miyeon to do the same thing.) So when Aera was 15, she auditioned for Bighit this time, and made it through, and began training in 2012.
To be quite honest, Aera practically hates americans, especially the american military. While she doesn't outright hate specific people, she hates the general idea of it, and acts incredibly discugsted when people she knows from america talk about how great it is or how proud they are of their country. Like it didn't ruin her life and take away both her cousin and practically her sister, as well as a lot of her family away from her.
Aera hasn't spoken to Miyoung since she moved away in 2007. Nobody has heard from her, and only knows that she lives on Jeju island. 
Aera will cut anybody who even breathes in the general direction of Boram. Boram is litterally all Aera feels she has left in her family. Her parents don't count since theyre parents and don't understand. (Boram is currently in her residency. She wants to be a pediatric surgeon. She wants to save lives.) 
Aera likes mangos, and will eat anything mango flavored so long as it actually tastes like mangos. 
Her favorite color is orange
She likes reptiles more than dogs or cats. But she also likes those too. 
Aera isn't afraid of bugs, she wont kill them though, she'll pick them up and take them outside. So long as they dont' bite she'll do it with her hands. If they do, then its a cup or a paper towel for them.
Aera is very much a tomboy. She likes to play soccer
Aera doesn't really have any focus on romance in her life. She just wants to do her best for both her sister and Miyeon. Honestly Aera just wants her sister back. 
She wants to learn to drive
She's always been in the top 10 of her school. 
Aera use to have a crush on Jungkook... until he opened his mouth.
Aera doesn't cry a lot, and even when she does she wont admit that she's crying. 


Mother | Seo (Shim) Jihyun | Jihyun loves all her daughters dearly and supports them through everything, she'll never admit it because she loves her daughters equally, but everyone knows she was a lot easier and spoiled Aera a little more than the other girls. Especially after the accident. She's a lot more emotional and tends to cry a lot eaiser now, especially now that her daughters are all leaving the house and she can't protect them anymore. 
Father |Seo Junghoon | He'll never admit it, but he's terrified to come home in case his wife has some news for him, or the police are waiting to bring news to him about something that happened to his daughters, so he hides at work a lot. Aera was never a daddy's girl or anything. She was too independent for labels like that, but she does love her father, and try to be a good daughter for him, often making him meals or bringing him something to drink at work. Just to help releive some of that stress.
Oldest Sister | Seo Nayoung | Aera ADORED her older sister, she use to follow her around all the time trying to be her. She was devistated when she found out she was leaving. It had happened so suddenly. She is always hoping that she'll get a call from somebody with some good news about her sister, just to know she's alive and doing okay. Aera would drop everything if her sister showed up or called. One of the few times anybody would see Aera cry. 
Middle Sister | Seo Boram | Litterally Aera's best friend, the only person that she feels she can truely talk to and be understood. But with Boram's busy schedule and Aera training its hard for them to talk as often as they want. Boram is trying to support Aera, but she's also trying to remind her to follow her own dreams. Boram doesn't understand that Aera can follow her dreams through this. 
"best friend" I guess | Lee Bora | Bora is another trainee who started right around the same time that Aera did, and they were both the same age, so Bora deemed herself Aera's best friend. It took aera about a year to actually warm up to the crazy bubbly girl who seemed to know everyone and everything despite being there for such a short time. Aera is actually quite fond of her now. 


LOVE INTEREST Aera don't need no signifigant other to take care of herself, she gots this. 
HOW YOU MET also be sure to mention whether this is pre or post debut.
RELATIONSHIP how they interact, feel free to plan the love story out or you can leave it for me to decide.

STAGE NAMES Aera (She had to do a lot of convincing to keep her name. They wanted her stage name to be alto or Sierra. Which she thought was stupid, especially since she was given a name at birth, it would be stupid to give her another.)
INTRO What's up? I'm Aera, and I'm suppose to be in charge of rapping and languages in the group.
POSITION Lead rapper
TALENT TWINS Vocal (Halla (dark hair without hat)) Dance (Halla) Rapper (Jucy)
TRAINEE YEARS 2012-present.
TRAINEE LIFE Contrary to what Aera originally imagined, training wasn't that hard. So long as she knew how to keep a rhythem she was fine. And she definitely knew how to keep a rhythem. She was incredibly determined to succeed and debut in a group. She would often get into arguments with older trainees and caused quite a few of her own problems with in the company, but nothing that wasn't resolved with the punishment of cleaning all the practice rooms spotlessly. She was known through out the company as the trainee with an attitude problem, but she never disclosed anything about her history to them, so they didn't know that her attitude was kind of justified. It was quite a surprise when she was finally put into the TRV Project group, she still had that chip on her shoulder, even after everything the company tried to do to fix it. Aera just wasn't a bright and shiney girl to add to the group. She was dark and twisty and brought in an edge that they would need if they ever wanted to make it big. 
The company knows about her family stuff since she had to disclose it, but she will never reveal it intentionally to the public and will never use it to gain fame. She even made sure it was apart of the contract before signing that it would remain confidental. 


COMMENTS Is she too much omg. I feel like she is way too bitter and angry and maybe a little overboard omg idk. Tbh I just kind of threw it together. 
SCENE REQUESTS Tbh all I want is a snarky remark about how she use to like Jungkook until he opened his mouth LOL.
PASSWORD TRV isn't bad. It's better than some of the other rookies out here, Twice, Red Velvet, CLC, Gfriend, OMG, KNK, IMFACT, UP10tion. Like at least 'The reknewed vibe' sounded cool. She would have walked if it was Bulletproof girl scouts. She had no idea how BTS put up with their name.


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