Update 4

Another update. I'm currently in school and no I'm not ditching class, I have to wait another two hours before my teacher's back.

So, lately life has been life I guess.

My test week is over, but I still have to do one test because I was absent on one day.

Last Saterday, people came to see my horse, and they liked him. Sunday, they took him home with them, so now he's gone.

I heard from my mother that a girl fell off, but that was because she didn't listen to people. They told her not to go to the forest, but she did it anyway.

I talked about other things with my friends too. I admitted to them that I'm not too sure about my feelings for my boyfriend anymore, and that I'm thinking about breaking up with him. I don't want to lie anymore so I have to man up and tell him.

I passed my Kenpo exam(Kenpo = martial arts) and I have a purple belt right now. The rankings for Kenpo are the following:

White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, Black. After black, for every 'new belt' you'd gain, you get a red square (2 x 3cm) on your belt and it gradually turns red, but the belts are 2.60/2.80 m in length so it'll take a while for it to turn red.

My dad had surgery last Wednesday. It wasn't really anything serious, and he's feeling good right now. Though he does sleep a lot. Usually we invite people over on Friday night, that is, my brother and my parents. The people I know all live far away, they're welcome to visit but it's very far. I guess that's all I have to say for now, except that I'll try to update this weekend.


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Chockolate #1
Good luck.! ;]] Fighting. And update me on how it goes in your life! Everyone is here for you to support :))