Happy SHINee Day!/15 SHINee Questions

I'm a day late cuz I'm like 13 hours behind Korea SIGH. But happy 8th anniversary to my beautiful boys! Where would I be if I hadn't found them? They give me hope, strength, joy, beautiful heartbreak, and so much more. I love them with all my heart and I'll always be by their side, in all ways <3

as for the questions, see @sonnet_sartori for the original post!

1.) How did you come across SHINee? My friend would blast Kpop every time we had a sleepover and I really liked this song Ring Ding Dong, so over the summer I looked it up and....it just went downhill from there OTL

2.) Which member of SHINee caught your eye in the beginning? Jonghyun, right from the start. I loved his charisma and hair in Ring Ding Dong. I actually thought he was Key at first LMAO

3.) Which of their MVs did you first watch? Ring Ding Dong. Oh boy. I'm shocked I wasn't scared off by it! Lucifer and View were also early MVs for me.

4.) Who was your very first bias? Jonghyun <3

5.) Who is your current bias? Still Jonghyun!

6.) Who is your biaswrecker? ONEW. UGH. I've been struggling between Jonghyun and Onew for months now but I think I'm leaning a tiny bit more toward Jonghyun because me and him have like literally the same personality.

7.) Which member would you want as your.... boyfriend? None, I'm not attracted to guys ^^; Brother? Minho ma maaaannn! Best friend: Jonghyun babyyy. buddy: MMmM Key! 

8.)What is your favorite SHINee MV? Ooh this is tough. I'd say Lucifer, View, and Dream Girl.

9.) Your favorite live perf? ODD EYE HMMMMMMMMMM YES

10.) Your favorite variety show appearance? Definitely Hello Baby and when OnJongHo went on SNLK oh god

11.) Do you own any merch? Yup! A poster from their Year Of Us album and a sweater from SHINee World IV

12.) When I say SHINee, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Happiness

13.) What do you wish would happen in 2016 for SHINee? OT5 comeback and more variety shows as a group!

14.) What is your favorite SHINee pairing? UM EVERYTHING??? I literally ship all possible ships, OT3s, OT5, etc. But my favs are JongKey, JongYu, 2Min, and JongHo <333

15.)  If you could change one thing about SHINee, what would it be? the fact that they're in S. Korea and I'm on the other side of the world

16.) Lastly, what do you like the most about SHINee? How they're not fake, have real talent (all of them), and how different and contemporary they are.

Comment your answers below or make your own post! ^^


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sonnet_sartori #1
oh yess a variety show as ot5 would be awesome *-* and 15 haha so true