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Bak Na Yeon


NAME: Bak, Na Yeon
NICKNAME: Yeonnie, people dont really call her that anymore, it was a kid name
BIRTHDATE: 05/19/1995
BIRTHPLACE: Ulsan, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean; Fluent.

book's cover




APPEARENCE & LOOKS: Na Yeon is 169 cm tall and weighs 48 kg. She has pale skin and lips and somewhat flat brown, almond shaped eyes. 
She has a look on her face that make her seem bored all the time. She doesnt try to, but her face rests like that. She has to activly try to change it. 

FASHION & STYLE: When she has the motivation to, Na Yeon likes to look nice, but she usually doesnt try. She commonly wears a white shirt and plain streachy pants. She doesnt wears skirts too often and she doesnt like heels at all. 



TRAITS: (+) Organized, responsible, compassionate, patient, calm
(-) Perfectionist, stubborn, worrywart, self conscious.
Na Yeon  likes things being where they belong and she has a place for everything. She is very organized and clean. Everything of hers is put away and neatlly too. She takes care of her things and her friends. She is willing to admit when she messed up and she can fixed things, usually. She loves what she does and she has given up everything to be where she is. She is willing to work for what she gets and she can wait. Patience is one of her best virtues. She is also very calm. She doesnt get flustered or agitated hardly ever and it takes a very skilled person to bother her. 
Na Yeon is a perfectionist. Everything has to be perfect before she is happy. Not only does she have to be perfect but her group has to be perfect as well. She has a will strong as an ox and does not bend for anyone, not even her mother. She worries about her friends and family all the time and wants to make sure that everyone is ok all the time. She worries about herself too. She is very concerned that people dont actually like her, that they are only dealing with her because they dont want to tell her that they dislike her. She is always worried that she isnt good enough. 

flipping pages


BACKGROUND: When Na Yeon was born she was almost pushed to the side. There was complcations with her sister so they were worried about her and took care of her. Thats how her life was for a few years, she always sat in the back ground. 
Growing up Na Yeon was used to being by herself and entertaining herself. The best thing she found to pass her lonley time was to sing to herself. It was always so quiet that she wouldnt be heard, but she did. It was her little game she played and she liked to. 
When she got into school she sang to herself when she was being bullied or picked on, sort of as a calming mechanism. The more she was bullied the more practice she got. 
She didnt actually start singing officially until she got into high school. Her mom picked a club for her to be in and it was a singing club. She felt so awkward and out of place there thats she didnt know what to do. As she got more and more comfortable she came out of her shell more. 
Na Yeon bloomed into a singer while she was at school. Her teachers were impressed and sujjested that she get a vocal coach. Her parents would never alow itso she never did. She did however audition to get into entertainment compaines. 
She applied at YG first but wasnt accepted, then she applyed at Big Hit and wasnt accepted. She was going to try once more then be done, but on her third try she was accepted to JYP entertainment. 
She trained a few days a week while she was still in school but once she was out of high schol she trained a lot more, she spent most of her time training. She elt more at home there than she did at home. She liked training. 
As time went by, Na Yeon started to question herself. Was she really as good the girls in Miss A? She really didnt know. 
Rumors started floating around that JYP was going to have a new girl group and a Yeon started going to more classes and spending more time there. She was so sure she would be chosen, but when the names went up and she wasnt one she was crushed. She wanted to quit right on the spot, but she didnt. 
She kept training in hopes that something else would come along. It didnt even take a year for that something to come. 
The big three announced their survival show and Na Yeon didnt even expect to be chosen She thought there were better singers than her, but when her name was caled she was bown away. 

TALENT: singing


main character


— If she didnt become an idol she would want to be an actress
— She hates beer and wont drink it
— Purple is her favorate color
— She has great penmanship
— She is a perfect speller
— She has to shower after practice or she cant fall alseep but she also has to shower when she wakes up or she cant wake up
— She is an early riser
— She hates when people touch her feet
— She hates feet

— She doesnt like oranges
— She doesnt know how to swim
— She knows how to drive
— Math was her worst subject in school
— She wants to travel to China
— She doesnt really enjoy flying at all

— She hates coffee but makes really good coffee
— She loves super hero movies
— She doesnt like horror movies

— She is anemic

— She stress cleans and cooks
— If she doesnt know what to do she cleans
— She wakes up frequently during the night
— When she is tired or distracted she will speak in dialect
— She will wake up early so that she can start brewing tea and coffee so the others can have it when they wake up

— Chai tea
— Rain (the actor and the thing)
— Rubarb
— ...cough...cough...super junior...cough. cough...
— But really, Super Junior, huge fan
— Peanut butter
— Utada, the soloist

— Coffee
— Snow
— Luke warm showers
— Waking up late
— Cats
— Snakes
— The ocean (she is slightly scared by it)

important people

FAMILY: Dad; Bak So Hyun; He reall hasnt been all for Na Yeon singing. He has pushed her towards toher things, but never told her to stop
Mom; Bak Hee Na; Na Yeon knows she isnt her moms favorite. She has never even tried to be her moms favorite. They have a relationship that could be mended.
Twin sister; Bak Na Yun; People couldnt tell they were twins. They act so differantly and treat eachother as aquaintences rather than sisters. 

FRIENDS: Best friend; Shin Woo Yook; Wu and Na Yeon became friends when they were children and just havnt left the tohers side since then. 
Friend; Kim Han Bin; Hanbin and Na Yeon are more like unfortunate friends. They never really wanted to be friends but life kept throwing them at eachother so they just let it happen.


SUGGESTIONS: Someone mistakes Na Yeon for Na Yun and throws her into the pool. She starts freaking out and spluttering to get to the edge. Almost every one just stairs at her but someone jumps in and saves her, preferably someone from a differant company. 
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