My Love Life

So actually I talked about this with a noona earlier this week but I'm still not sure what to do exactly...


For starters please to realize that I'm biual.




Alright there is this one friend that I liked 2 years ago. Let's call her Yuki. Yuki used to be a very kind hearted sweet girl. She started acting more like a guy after I left the school and I was the one in our friend group who was the most guy like. This year she cut her hair like a guys and has been acting more "like a guy". Yuki likes to say that she wants to be a guy but thing is she is panual and she is actually isn't as attracted to girls as I am, or for how long I have.


But you see when I see her acting that way there are times where I just want to remind her that she's a girl and that her name is not "alex" and her..that I shouldn't...





My life is the most complex and sad thing, I'm sorry for wasting your time on this.



Deepest apologies,



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It actually hasn't been long since I came to terms with my orientation.I'm also biual. I mean, there was this girl I would stare at for the longest time, every single day. It took m awhile to actually figure out that I probably like her. Ahhh, the troubles of love and like.
How does she identify as pan if she's not attracted to girls? O_O
Anyway, that said, maybe she's genderfluid? Maybe she actually doesn't like female pronouns and maybe she's too scared to tell you guys? Maybe she's trans? Idk ;;

Don't try and remind her of "what she is" though, because what you think she is might differ from how she feels. Just ... Let her be ^^
How she dresses shouldn't affect what kind of friend she is.