K P O P - M U S I C - S H U F F L E - T H I N G Y (Stolen from Blu3Wind)

I'm addicted to this kind of game right now!! Somebody help me!! But, it's fun... so, I suggest to the one that didn't do it yet, please do it... because just like I said, it's fun....

Lyrical poem. 
Put your iPod on shuffle, press play and the next button. Write the first line of the lyrics in the first ten songs to create your poem. Don’t lie, the poems actually come out really cool. (I'm gonna use the English translations~)

My first date with you (24/7=heaven - BTS)

Hey you, what's your dream? (No More Dream - BTS)

You ready to dance? That's right. (Round and Round - SONAMOO)

I couldn't help it so I threw it all out (Error - VIXX)

You are my only sun, one and only in the world (Run - BTS)

As I greet the warm sunlight (Come With Me - UP10TION)

We back again now (On and On - VIXX)

I can almost see it but I can't (Cherish - Yuju & Sunyoul)

Girl, when I first saw you (So Into U - LU:KUS)

Softly you spread the scent of your fragrance (Never Ending - UP10TION)

I can't even understand the meaning of my lyrical poem... maybe you guys can understand it and if you do, please tell me... seriously, my lyrical poem sounds weird XD


Soundtrack to my life~

Opening Credits: 상영시간 무한대 - SONAMOO

Waking Up: 뱁새 - BTS (This song is good to make you feel good after waking up 'cuz this song lit)

Falling in Love: Dope - BTS (Maybe I shouldn't fall in love... I don't wanna be dope XD)

Fight Song: 깊어 - SONAMOO (But, shouldn't fight song should be an upbeat song... this song is sad) 

Breaking Up: Boy In Luv - BTS (Shuffling song will result you to a very random genre of song)

Life’s Ok: Chaos - VIXX (Life's ok but maybe not that ok.. it's a little bit chaos..)

Getting Back Together: Chained Up - VIXX (I will chained you up so, you won't go away again~~)

Wedding: Get Down - Boys' republic

Birth of Child: We on - BTS

Final Battle: This Love - Davichi

Death Scene: Cushion - SONAMOO

Funeral Song: 난 너를 사랑해 - Cover by BTS's Jin 

End Credits: Elevator - Jonghyun (Wow.. this song give you goosebump though)





How am I feeling today?

Jump - BTS (This song tells everything on how I feeling today~~ Let's Jump!!)

Will I get far in life?
Young Forever - BTS (I won't go that far, I guess..)

How do my friends see me?
My Light - VIXX (Awwww, are they really think of me like that? If yes, I'm so happy, hahaha...)

When will I get Married?
One word to say - VIXX's Leo SOLO (Yeah, one word to say, DUNNO)

What is my best friend’s theme song?
Bonamana - SuJu

What is the story of my life?
Save ME - BTS 

What was high school like?
Mr. Simple - SuJu (Yeah, I'm Miss Simple at school XD)

How am I going to get ahead in life?
No Mercy - BAP

What is the best thing about me?
Ghost - VIXX's Ravi SOLO 

How is today going to be?
Fire - BTS (Maybe it should be tomorrow, since it's night right now in my country... It will be lit!!)

What is in store for this weekend?
Face - NU'EST

What song describes my parents?
If I Ruled The World - BTS (Hmmmm, if they ruled the world.... I don't know what to say)

My grandparents?
Day After Day - Teen Top

How is my life going?
Just Tell Me - MYNAME (Can someone tell me how is my life?)

What song will play at my funeral?
Outro:Luv In Skool - BTS (There is no use to love me on my funeral because I'm dead at that time)

How does the world see me?

Will I have a happy life?
Whoo - Rainbow

What do my friends really think of me?
Love Call - SONAMOO

Do people secretly lust after me?
너만 없다 - JIN

How can I make myself happy?
Phoenix - UP10TION

What should I do with my life?
My Copycat - Orange Caramel (Do I need to find my twin?)

Will I ever have children?
Eternity - VIXX (I will have children for eternity... wow, that sounds crazy)

What is some good advice for me?
Cheer Up - TWICE (That such a good advice)

What is my signature dancing song?
Rocking - Teen Top (The footwork though)

What do I think my current theme song is?
Like Ooh Ahh - Cover by DAY6

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?


What type of men/women do you like?
Beautiful Liar - VIXX LR


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