Hi, guys... Just like the title of this blog, I'm back at it. Again. 

This blog is pretty much the same as my last blog. Which is I rant about my exam. If the last blog was about Add Maths, now it's about Biology.

I don't know about how other countries held their schools' examination, but in my country, whoever takes science subjects like Physics, Biology and Chemistry, there will be three papers for each subject. 

And, I think almost every student will do this after they just finished their paper. DISCUSSION. Whether it's just a short discussion or a deep one. And, it just happened that I did the latter. 

It happened when my friends and I were completing our homeworks and somehow, one of my friends suddenly asked about a question that had been out in the exam paper. At that time, we were just finished Physics Paper 3 and Biology Paper 3. 

I will explain briefly about this paper 3 examination, just in case there is someone who doesn't know. Basically, this paper test you about experiments that you had learned for that three science subjects. For Biology, you have two questions and need to answer both. First question, you already been given the experiment while the second question, they will give you, like, a long statement or story, and you need to come up with any experiment that you had learned. 

So, back to my story, my friend was asking about the second question where you need to create your own experiment  And, we just happened to discuss the question too deeply.  Okay, maybe it just my friend who discussed it too deeply. I was not really into the discussion as I don't want to be somewhat heartbroken. So, I just listened intently on my friends' discussion.

And, I just regret doing so. As they were discussing, I realised that I'm the only one, amongst my friends, who did somewhat a different experiment. One of my friends even said that, the type of experiment that I did, was totally wrong. They said that it was a different concept from the exam's question. 

I know that I should not dwell on it too much. As what people always say, past is past. But, I just can't. And I think that, maybe, by writing this out - things that had been on my mind. In hope that it will not bother me anymore. I just frustrated with the feelings that I literally did badly for my Biology. 

Anyway, I just find it funny, as I write this. I don't know why, so don't ask me. 

To whoever that read this till the end, just want to say thank you for doing so. I hope that everyone lead a great and happy life. Don't be stressed out over something too long just like me. Trust me, you'll not like that kind of feelings. 


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junghani #1
Seriously dude, you're not alone :(
I put amylase as the enzyme, instead of that freaking PEPSIN!
Gonna pray miracle will happen

P/s: I know I'm replying too late. But, just to let you know