Colorful AND yummy food / drink ideas..anyone?

sorry for the lame time im too tired to come up with anything witty that actually conveys the message

anyway, im a week before my 21st birthday and I still have no idea what to do. The partygoer in me screams 'GOOUTWITHTHEGUYS' but tbh we go out at least once a week...and even more in exam time (now, for example) so it's... not as unique as it used to be? When I went to the capital for school as a smallertown girl, it was all OMFG HOW COOL TEA HOUSE AND CAFES EVERYWHERE AND CHINESE FOOD AND ALL and when I go to other countries I still feel the same but... not in Budapest :D SO I was thinking that MAAAYBE I could host the party (we have a big house) and actually do the food and drink for it? I mean, pinterest and other sites have so many low budget but FANCY stuff that it's making me think that I could try doing them too :D I'm not the best cook but I've been thinking of learning how to anyway... SO, I was thinking if YOU guys had any recipes that you HAVE tried and they worked well :D The more colors, the better (blue, pink, orange, ANYTHING) desserts and snacks and maybe even main courses too if you know something tasty but easy AND pretty :D Drinks are welcome, too (someone *coughluhuns* have sent me alcoholic stuff to maybe try, but the more ideas, the better :D IDK why I'm in the mood to make something so much instead of going out :D Anyway, I'm doing fine and blablabla exams are scary so im kinda barely alive butohwell :DĀ 

i love ya all



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Teentizzle #1
I posted a drink idea on your most recent blog post, but here it is again. It'll be whatever color sherbet you get. But mix sherbet with either sprite or 7up, or any other lemon lime type drink and you will have a really good and fruity punch. If you want a good alcohol punch, then use orange sherbet, a lemon lime soda, and a bit of rum (coconut rum works best) and it'll still taste great. Just don't put too much rum lol
milkysehunnie93 #2
Make colourful dried jelly. It's sooooo yummy
Cupcakes can be colorful too.;)
How about making some jello? They come in a bunch of colors :)