160514 2Min in Kyocera dome Day1

Today is a goood day n_____n
Today is the third time minho confess to Taemin in public, and it's so sweet and cute :3

  • Minho's solo stage was GReeeeN's "Miracle." At the end, he turned to the camera and said "I love you~"
  • During the MENT about Minho's stage
  • Taemin:The ending was good!
  • Minho:I love Taemin~💓
  • While they were facing each other Minho ruffled the back of Taemin's head while singing.
  • Taemin:My heart got tight*💓
  • T/N:Doesn't translate well but it's that feeling when...your heart gets tight.
  • cr:aionee_51 trans: professorjjong

    You can watch it here ^^


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Omo ... my 2min feels... I am getting hyper
my heart