✬ TRIGGER ✬ Lin Tuan



✬ trigger ✬
the application


looks good

Faceclaim: Z.HERA (soloist)

Back-up Faceclaim: The Ark's Minju

Appearance: Jiayi has the height of 170cm (5'5) and with the weight of 112lbs (50kg). Did I mention that she has a nice  case of 11-shaped abs? She had natural black hair, but after dying her hair multiple times. Which she loves doing by the way. Her skin is pretty tanned compared to the rest of the girls. But even if it is sometimes looked down upon in Korea, she finds it her best asset, and sets her apart from the crowd. Also, if you closely, you can see that she has a bit of an diamond shaped birthmark on her jawline.
Casual Style: H E R E
Formal Style: H E R E
Training Style: H E R E

Singing Twin: f(x)'s Amber (Gong Minzy)
Dancing Twin: Megan Batoon (Gong Minzy)  
Rapping Twin: Yook Jidam (Sonamoo's D.ana)  


layout © cerulean tm
NihaoJiao | Jiao | 9.5


the basics


FULL NAME. Tuan, Lin
Linnie - Her best friends calls her that because she gets annoyed by it easily and her friends finds it adorable when she gets annoyed
Candy - It is widely known that Lin loves her sweets, and it's only suitable that her parents calls her that after the countless times she begged them for candy when she was a little girl
Kkamyi - Kkam is the korean word for calling someone dark, and due to her having dark skin and people *cough*Haters*cough* have the need to call her out on that, they gave her their name
Baby - She is the youngest in her family, and of course she is called baby for a reason. She likes using it for her advantage, but the rest of the time she hates it. 
Little ox - Because she's the youngest and was born in 1997, which is one of the years of the ox, her dad decided to call her little ox. Yeah... You can bet that she was teased at school for her "funny" nickname
Pikachu - Another funny nickname given by her best friends, for her obession with pikachu
BIRTHDATE. 14. Feb. 1997
BIRTHPLACE. Los Angeles, California
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea
eTHNICITY. Taiwanese
English / Native / She lived on the west coast of California for almost all her life and I'm pretty sure that she knows the language at the back of her hand
Standard Mandarin Fluent / Back when she was in California, she learnt Mandarin at home, which she started with the basics and extended the knowledge of the language longer by herself. I'm a smart cookie, right?
KoreanAdvanced (Struggling) / When she moved to Korea, She had to adapt to a whole new language. Good thing that she's a fast learner, but she still has trouble writing it, which is sometimes made fun of by the members and some fans


in depth


(+) - Charismatic, friendly, Passionate, humorous, Confident
(-) - Bossy, short-tempered, Frank, vulnerable, objective
expanded personality. 
Well, one thing you first notice on the stage is the look in her eyes, you can tell that she is charismatic. SHe just has that strong presence onstage that makes you just want to dance along with her. But she has said many times that her secret is to just be confident with your skills. Not to sound cocky, but she knows that she's talented in dancing and rapping. Even with her singing, because even though it's not her strongest skill, if she just believes that she can do well, she'll do well. Which brings me to another good quality trait of her. She is one of the most Passionate people you could ever meet. She can't explain where that comes from, it just happens naturally. maybe because when she's doing what she loves the most in the world, she just... loses herself in a way that just takes her in world where she just wants to stay forever. I think she took it too far, but she got it right on the pulse. But she's not all work and no play. Even though that it may seem like she's a bit like a hard figure to approach to, but in all honesty, she would approach you first, because she can be a very friendly person. She just likes talking with people who have the same interests as her. And the people who are close friends with her always describes her as a Humorous person. She just likes making people laugh because it gives her a sense that she's doing something right.
But with every good trait, there's a bad trait that's always ready to counterattack. Well, let's get the elephant out of the room and say that she's not the one you want to tip off. Because even though she may seem like someone who doesn't like drama, she would create one heck of a scene when she's angry. She can become the legit She-hulk. She has a heck of being short-tempered because she believes that she streats everyone with a good amount of respect, and if you dare to disrespect her, well... nice knowing you. She doesn't become violent, but she will hit all the wrong buttons with you. Which brings me to her being a bit bossy. Her being bossy is like a mix between a mother and a coach. because she'll push you around like a mother, but will yell at you like a coach. Ecspecially, when it comes to dancing, If anyone looks sloppy or not applying themself at a 100%, she's not afraid to call them out. Which is also where her frankness comes out. Dancing is something to her that can't be described, but makes her feel all the right things, and if you dare ruin that, she'll call you and it's like watching a fire, because the sacrifice will get one hell of a roasting. Dissing, and basically saying all the wrong things to them. SO, someone get the ambulance on speed dial right now. It doesn't end there, she can be a bit objective she can be nice and all, but  rub her the wrong way once don't expect her to forget everything by tomorrow... or ever. She becomes detached real quick and you just lost a good ally in this competition. Just like the words from Jessi, "we're not a team, this a competition." But one thing people don't expect from Jiayi is that she can be pretty vulnerable. She has a fear of being forgotton/abandoned by the important people in her life. She's been taught to be strong and have fun living life, but the thought that one day everyone has to go at some point, makes her cry on her own. That's why she wants to live in the moment, but once the moment is over, she just cries knowing that this can the happiest moment, 

On feburary 14th, 1997, yes, on Valentines day the earth welcomed a beautiful baby girl, named Lin Tuan. She was born as the youngest out of her 4 other siblings. Being the baby of the family, she always had eyes watching her and fists ready to punch anyone that harms her. But when her family is not watching her like a hawk, they were always a chill and fun family. I think by looking at her last name you can guess one of Jiayi's brothers are. Yes, it is the flying, baby-face, man, Mark Tuan.
Despite the of 4 years, Mark and his sister are closest to each other more than with their 4 other siblings. He always liked to pick her up after school and just hang around with each other. Not to mention they play a mean game of volleyball together, she didn't even consider him as her brother, more like a best friend. and if they're on the same team, spikes are happening everywhere! So, you could almost imagine the emotions that she felt when Mark was randomly street casted on one of their fun outings to be a part of some training thingy to become a Korean idol in Korea! I mean she didn't understand, he was taiwanese not a korean.Then the moment he was announcing to the family that he was accpeting the offer, yeah... she hated him after it. At his last days of being in LA and with her, she completely avoided him and didn't even look nor spoke a word to him. She even faked being sick so she doesn't have to see him off, because she knows that once she gets there, she'll cry like there's no tomorrow.
That's when dancing started to help her cope with her emotions. Jiayi is not one to talk much about her feelings - unless it's being super happy or super angry. But when It's a much more serious emotion, she has trouble talking about because she doesn't want to become a burden to anyone. But one day when she was walking home from school, she saw a couple of people surrounding two guys moving weirdly with their bodies. She asked the person beside her what they were doing, and he simply described in one word is, krumping. Kumping? She asked herself. She wanted the whole show, they looked like they were mad at each other, but when the whole thing was over, she noticed how they were just happy and every negative thought is gone. You can say that has influenced her to dance. She started to dance on her own. It felt like whether she was sad, mad, happy or any ther feelings she had, one by one it would just flow out of her with movement she made with the beat of the song. She would be in her own world, and when it's over, it's like when she takes her last breath, she can actually breathe and be herself. 
But when the time comes that she has to visit Mark in South Korea because he was in the last stages of prepartion for his debut, and being sick and being too young (she was 17) to be home alone in LA didn't cut it anymore to avoid seeing her betrayer of a brother again. So when they saw mark waiting at the airport and hugged everyone and was about to hug jiayi, she dodged it. He knew that she was mad at him still, but luckily through his parents that sent videos of her gradually growing up,  he got to see her smile and happy. Plus being a boss at playing volleyball in her school's team. But also some of  videos of her dancing in a couple of dance competitons she entered in school. In which she has won some trophies and a stupid 2 second trophy and/or a possible participant ribbon. Which sparked Mark gears to turn and conjoured up an idea. Because, we all know that JYP has a soft spot for dancers, he showed him a video of her dancing, and you could say that he had that signature smirk on his face. He contacted her through mark, and offered her to audition for his company. Just when she was about to decline, her parents ended the call and really try to push her to accept the offer. Because they wanted her to make amends with her brother and they played the, "We won't be mad, we'll just be disappointed" card on her. Which was more than enough to convince her to accept the offer.
She auditioned for the company and got accepted. She has been training for 2 years, and even during her training, she didn't even see her brother a lot due to his own idol life. She has been thinking about ending her contract with JYp because she thinks that it's useless being here because she never really did see her brother much unless it was on tv, and she didn't want to be here in the first place, but for her parents wishes she stayed. When she talked about this with JYp, he offered her a deal. She would audition for a survial program called "Trigger", and if she loses she can end the contract. But the thing is she really has to apply herself and try because she is a jyp trainee, but if no one bids on her she can end the contract. 

Just dance it'll be okay _ Lin loves dancing and is sometimes her painkiller
Bubble, Bubble, Bubble pop! _ She loves bubble tea, her favourite is either oolong milk tea with tapioca or mocha chai latte milk tea with pudding because it tastes like a legit liquidfy waffle
you call it connecting to the internet, i call it music _ She loves debstep music and her favourite type of music to dance to
Ice scream, you scream, gimmie that, gimmie that ice cream _ she loves ice cream and probably has one every day. Her favourite flavor is cookie dough
coffee, coffee, coffee _ she loves any type of coffee. her family and friends thought that she was legitimately addicted to it, and cut her off. But after seeing her so tired, she got her daily cup of joe now
I don't walk, I moonwalk _ her ultimate dance rold model is Michael jackson when it comes to dancing and performing
Gotta catch them all! _ Loves pokemon. Enough said
In the summer time _ Despite her love for the movie frozen, she absolutely loves the sun and beaches. I mean, I am from california
Hate on me haters _ you call them haters? I call them my motivaters
Let's get physical _ She likes working out and moving her body. Plus, do you think you can get abs like these out of nowhere?
He's a family guy _ She loves peter and his dysfunctional neighbourhood of Quahog
Travelling _ One of her main dreams is to travel as much of the world she can before she's too old and can't move 
English, please? _ When she moved to South korea, she would love it when someone spoke in English
Spice, spice, baby _ She loves anything that's red and spicy. Legit, she can eat eat a pepper and not break a sweat
We are family _ she loves hanging out with her family rather than her friends. Mostly because she gets ee
I'm not crying, i'm sweating _ Because she shows a happy-go-lucky attitude majority of the time, she hates people seeing her cry. Because it's like admitting she's not as tough as she thought she could be
Please, don't leave me _ She doesn't like the thought or when someone very important *Cough* MArk *cough*.
Wicked winds _ we all have that moment when the car windows roll down, and your hair looks like medusa when she woke up from bed
LIke Neon Ligh- NO! _ She hates anything that's neon. It makes her eyes hurt and gives her a major headache
Why you gotta be so rude? _  Seriously, why? When people are rude to her or to anyone in fact, she will cuss you out, like there's tomorrow
Minty _ She doesn't like the smell or taste of mint. but for hygeine puposes, she has to put up with him
I like to move it, move it _ Lin is not one to just lay down and do nothing. She's a mover. It makes her feel lazy, and unhealthy
it's my face, not a cake _ The most beautiful you, is when you just smile. No amount of bb cream can amount to that
vines _ Loops aren't funny. Loops aren't funny. Loopsaren't funny
Too much air _ She feels uncomfortab;e whenever she wears dresses and/or skirt
I want to keep my ankles _ She hates wearing any type of heels, even pumps. She's forever a coverse girl
Why you guys acting like your'e all try hards _ You know those guys who try to act tough? Yeah, they annoy the heck out of her. Because no one likes a know-it-all, and people who think they know it all
You're made of plastic, you're not fantastic _ She thinks barbie is a bad influence on small girls, and are too slow of actually being realistic. she prefers the cynthia doll from rugrats, who has been defying beauty standards since the 90's.
Mamma mia _ She does not like italian foods because she doesn't like the flavors, she doesn't even like pizza. Hate on me if you dare!
That time of month _ Periods. Done.
I was a skater girl _ She knows how to skateboard, and pretty darn good at it
Everybody dance now! _ She loves making her own choreography, mostly for  herself
Crack! _ Not like that kind of crack, but cracking her own fingers, it just happens on her own
Language attack! _ whenever she's overly excited, she would speak in a another language. It's either in english, mandarin, and or Korea. Sometimes all of them
My lips are cracking _ Her lips always seems dry so she always her lips and apply lip gloss
Team samsung _ she has a samsung galaxy 7 edge
Wake up in the moring _ She always drinks a nice cup - okay, maybe 2 cups of coffee that is always freshly grinded by herself
Get me my apron _ She the one who always cooking for the girls
Just let me clean _ A stange thing that happens when she's stress is she dances, and then cleans. but on the bright side, no one has to pay for a maid!
Are those fake? My tears? Yeah _ She can cry on demand, it's ironic because she doesn't like crying, but comes in handy whenever she want something from er parents
4Eyes _ She actually wears glasses, but only when it's a night time and she likes wearing her contacts more often
This is real, this is me - She is confident with her bare face
I'll do it _ she's not afraid to do anything new and won't be embarassed because she tried
You caught my heart _ She used to have a crush on ash from pokemon
I'm not looking! _ She can type on the keyboard really fast, and prefectly without even looking
Don't tickle me! _ She hates being tickled. She even hates it when her phone is on vibrate because it tickles
Chop! Chop! _ She has amazing knife skills
Don't make me kick you where the sun don't shine! _ The girl is a black belt in kung fu. Fight me!
With my left or my right? _ She has the abilty to sign with both of her hand
Wanna speak in english _ One of the things she enjoys in training, is when she messes around with the other girls by having a full on conversation with them in english
 I think I broke something _ When she was 10 she broke both of her bones after she fell off her skateboard and she twist them 360 degrees, it's freaky!
Remix this _ She can remix songs with her mouth


people she knows


I think you could recognize one of her family her brother is mark of got7. and probably their dad too who has some of the most sassiest tweets ever. That sad moment when your parents have more followers than you . Also, her swee mother who knows all the right things to say, and also the most embarassing ones to say too. Plus their siblings, Tammy, joey, and grace.

They are one chill and happy family. Always hangout like they're the bestest of friends. Everyonce got a long great and yes, like every other family we fight at times, but always threaten to never talk to them again, but also always make-up after it and laugh how stupid it was. But with Mark and Lin's dispute, you can bet that everyone of them is pusing them to be brother and sister again. Plus,we have a effin' pool in our backyard! in which we have the most fun pool parties!

She only has a small group of friends that she met and stuck around throughout school. daina, Jaeson, and hana. They have had the best of times and the worst of times together. But that only made them stronger than ever. Yes, they got through occasional fights, some were more serious than others, but because of the friendship and bond they have with each other, they always back to each other crying and apologizing to one another.

They all met when they were in 1st grade. Hana was her neighbour and they obviously became best friends, and she knows her a bit more than the rest the other two. Jaeson was a boy in her martial arts class, and they were the best of sparring partners. Whenever they spar, it's always a draw. Daina was her dance partner and #1 competitor when it comes to dance class. But hey, not all rivals can't be friends. So, when they heard Lin was going to move to SK, you can bet they were all sad, but they still video chat, call, text, and snapchat each other, always telling her to hold on a bit longer.

her point of view


what is your dream?
I actually don't know. *starts to giggle to herself* I guess, I would just sitting on my couch asking myself, "what if..." because you'd think that anything could've happend and happen differently if you had a different choice. 

who inspires you most in this world?
My family and friends. *sees the cameraman smiling at her from her answer* What? It's true. My family and I has always been close and we tell each other everything. My friends has also been there for me, through thick and thin always pushing me to go forward in life. *Looks directly camera and smiles and starts to speak in english* IF you guys are watching, I love you all and I miss you all so much! Just a little bit longer!

many idols get asked this, so we'll ask you. who is an example of your ideal type?
*Laughs out loud* Oh my gosh. There's so many. I mostly like dancers, Uhm, I don't think ou know him, but it would probably be Ian eastwood. He's a great dancer and choreographer. Plus, he's so cute and funny. *Starts blushing after thinking of him* Don't judge me! You asked!

what is your biggest fear?
I guess being abandoned? Because there was that moment in time when someone close to me left. *Her eyes starts to water up after thinking of him* Because, life is short and you just want to be with all the time. *Some tears escape her eyes* I'm sorry. Next question, please?

do you honestly believe you'll make it to the end of this competition? 
*Smiles after recollecting herself* I honestly don't know. Maybe? I just want to do my best and if I don't make it I can go back and learn from this experience or win and go forward be onstage doing what I love. I think it's a win-win situation. But we'll see, right?
good luck, ladies.
comments/suggestions Took me forever to finish this! I hope you like lin, and this is my first application for an applyfic. Please give me some feedback in which I can do better next time. I hope you like lin. Thank you!
one scene suggestion Maybe a scene where Mark and Lin are reunited after so long. With some tears and heartfelt words, and some harsh ones in a nice ending? Is that too much?
password OMG, Really?!


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