help me find my happiness back. tsk. when i re-read my old fanfic, i feel happy but when i want to write a new one, i can't. idk why. i'm stuck. i even ask my friend to describe the story she want and i really know how to potrey but i just can't. omg. the feeling, the mood isn't right. i'm really sad. i want to write a happy story like i used to write before. hm. sisghs. so help me,  :<


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The thing with this is, you have to let it pass. It won't help if you stress over it, believe me, I've been here. I've made a similar blogpost about the same frustration that you have right now. But, if you really must write, then write, simple sentences or phrases that you think of, it will soon be a part of something larger. Any and every idea that pops into your head is as important as everything that you've thought of, whether it's complete or not, it'll be a big help in the future.

Also, it helps to find an inspiration. Whether it's a picture, a quote, a music video, a story/book that will inspire and motivate you. The thing with inspiration, it doesn't mind the inability to write for the moment, when inspiration strikes, the words come out naturally, like some kind of miracle. I don't know how but it will. Just the right inspiration will get you back.

Good luck!
WRITER's BLOCK? D: /hugs you/ ayoyo read happy fanfic or watch nigahiga
I have that kind of blockage sometimes. I think it's good if we don't force ourselves too much. Sometimes I get my inspiration by watching some other shows. Observing people. Maybe from a song.
Don't stress yourself too much.
I have that kind of blockage sometimes. I think it's good if we don't force ourselves too much. Sometimes I get my inspiration by watching some other shows. Observing people. Maybe from a song.
Don't stress yourself too much.