Anyone willing to donate PRIZES for the end of my Happiness contest??

I've got several prizes already but is there anyone who would want to add to them?

Things like,

  • karma points (if so, then please PM me before sending, I want to be sure to credit!)
  • poster making passes (anytime they want a poster, it's made priority)
  • review passes (anytime they want a review, it's made priority)
  • trailer passes (anytime they want a trailer, it's made priority)
  • kpop merchandise
  • oneshot gifts
  • etc?

Pretty much, you have an idea, let me know! I'd very much appreciate it =)


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if you still need some prizes, im willing to give some of my karma points (-:
I can offer my services for a oneshot. ^_^ I'm sure I could work something out with the winner to be agreeable to both parties. ;) haha
I'm not sure how much karma I have because of my recent name change, but I'd be happy to review some stories if you need someone to - although I don't know if it's going to be a bit so-so because I no longer work for a shop?
Uhm which contest is this?

I can give a oneshot to one of the winners but ofc it has to be a group I am comfortable with writing. And I suppose the same applies to the genre ;3
Lisett #5
I can make fanarts... hehe..
Not really ship them though.. more like online full quality stuff... like backgrounds or something?
I don't know.. orz
I can help out! I can review even tho i dont have a shop...