This is about an ex


I've told you about my friend whom I fell in love with, whom later I confessed my love to, then I moved on and found another boy, who was worlds apart from me but I fell hard nonetheless, and I thought I finally found the one. But oh boy how wrong I was... he took it slow, too slow, and I got bored...

... and then there was another guy who (finally) succeeded on winning my heart, against all odds, which is odd.

He came just like that, we started off as a business partner. I needed something, he had it, he helped me, we fell in love.

Wait, I should tell you the reason we fell for each other...

It was a simple gesture of holding hands.

Yes, innocent as it may sound, this girl, this untamed girl, finally fell for a boy because he held her hand. Now, I hung out with boys a lot. One of them, is him. But he, only he dared enough to grab my hand as we stroll the mall together, hand in hand, cheeks blushed hard, and smiles that we weren't able to hide.

Yes, it was that simple gesture that took me away, which is weird. I can still remember myself biting my lips trying to stop the grin that was about to appear, and my cheek felt hotter and I knew it was reddening, and I think I could feel my eyes twinkling, and I think I remember I saw his sly smile, and I remember I felt there was warm surged through me.

Oh boy.

He was a sweet talker, and I fell for his sweet nothings, it was nothing bad. So I guess I was just a normal girl after all. There was one time, we knew that we both fell for each other obviously, but we didn't know what do next. Should we take it to another level? Apparently we did, why?

I did ask him why, and he told me that he liked the feeling when we held hands.


So our feeling was mutual!

So yeah, we started going out, he was a fun guy, y and hot and annoying and... *sigh* tempting.

Our first kiss was innocent, but that was it. The first kiss was just a first kiss because seconds later I found myself making out with him, hungrily, greedily. There was... if I can't say it was lust, then... it must be passion, fiery one. I didn't know I had it in me, lol.

When we finished I was a mess, my hair was all over the place and I sulked about that.. "I'm so messy!" I exclaimed while trying to comb my hair with my finger, what's important was what he said afterwards, it was a simple, "it's okay, I like it" and he hugged me and kissed my forehead lightly.

apparently, we weren't finished yet because then we started everything all over again.

Our relationship was a rollercoaster, we were fun, full of passion, filled with drama, and kisses. He stole kisses every possible way, and I found myself still blushing even after I've gotten used to it, even when it was only a quick peck on the cheek he stole when we were in his friend's living room with his friend busy arranging the table (or tried his best to let us have our moment and act like he didn't see it). We kissed every places possible, which had its perks. I still smile now everytime I pass by this particular ATM booth we once kissed in, in front of the hidden camera (LOL), or my kitchen, or my house's stairs.


But let me remind you that we're talking about my ex here, we didn't end up together, nevertheless, it was beautiful while it lasted.

I didn't know why he liked/loved me, he was a model, an enterpreneur, an architect... He sounded too perfect to be true, or to be by my side, so why? How? What had gotten into him? But I never dared to question it, plus.. if he asked me back why I liked him, I wouldn't be able to come up with an answer too. 

So I guess we're even then?

I know I've said he looked like he was too perfect to be true, but of course I was wrong. We were both childish and both thought we were mature, that was where we went wrong. When we argued, we tried to end it the maturest way possible, but I guess, our childish heart just weren't cut for that. Even if we ended the argument that day, we actually remembered every details in our heart.

We held grudges.

So when everything was just too much for us to bear, we kinda exploded. We exploded in a creepy way, we were both too calm about it... I guess we tried our best to be an adult, which we were, but our minds were still of a kid.

When we ended the relationship, it was both of us who asked for it. I guess it was mature enough for us two than to force a dysfunctional relationship to keep going on. Funny thing was that night, when we agreed to end our romantic relationship, both of us had prepared gift for each other. It was a pretty dress for me, and a CD of his favorite band for him. I guess we're pretty good.

So that night he took me home, we stared at each other for some good minutes, ensuring ourselves that that was it, that we've ended it, that after that, we wouldn't be boyfriend-girlfriend anymore, that after that, friendship would be all we have. So there, in front of my house, we kissed each other's foreheads, meaning we've forgiven each other.

That was the sweetest breakup I've ever had.


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AmaoriAmaori #1
okay. I want to confess. that I'm a creep. I just read your blog posts, all of them. I did enjoy it tho it feels so wrong since it's your personal life. but yes, i just did. you should turn some of them into stories. this one particularly.

ok. now everyone knows I'm a creepy stalker I should shut my mouth already haha
awww D:
Open your eyes and seek something that is missing.