Update on Art History Class 2


It’s okay.


I was able to resolve the issue with my class though I wish it didn’t have to be like this…


I had to withdraw from the class, but I’m sure I’ll do better next time.

I don’t know how it’s gonna be since I have to take her class again next semester and the semester after that for the substitute class for my History of Graphic Design.


Eugh.. but I’ll get through it, hopefully.


The e-mail I got back after that night I posted the first update about it…

I had responded with a straight forward e-mail about why she didn’t tell me I had more time in the first place as well as she needed to tell me what I can do.


She responded with “we need to have a chat, I think.” and I was like..




But in the end, I got word back from my advisor and he said it was okay to withdraw and assured me everything would be fine with my Financial Aid and nothing bad would happen yatta yatta yatta…


My friend and I went to our instructor’s office later that day, which was Wednesday, and told her we would withdraw. Well, I SAID NOTHING. I just stood there since I was too stressed out to even talk XD I was afraid I’d start crying or something so my friend handled it for us which I’m thankful for ><


I mean… I had to handle stuff for us in our internship class, the least she could do was handle our Art History class JK that sounded mean haha but like she wasn’t as stressed as I was so she did it for us. Though I realized I borrowed a book from that instructor and will have to return it now T^T… Damn.


How do I get out of this aha… maybe I’ll just have to head over to her and face the music. “I forgot to return this, sorry…” hopefully she don’t drag me into a conversation about what happened… e.e


And Thursday, the Asian kid’s friend was in my DDM building. He was with a friend but he noticed me aha and it seemed like he watched me pass by. I was holding a poster board for a project so I am concluding he was distracted by the white poster board LOL but I briefly heard him saying something about our Art History teacher >< but I wasn’t going to eavesdrop~!


And that concludes my stressful week OTL

I hope things are better from here on out~!



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Anaida #1
We all know it wasn't the poster he was looking at!! heheheheehe!! ^^
King PikaSoo all the way!!
ashkhen #2
Thats great of what happened and hmm I wonder what the Asian kid said about the art history class