OMG Sorry, VIXX!!!! 0.o

But ya lost to my bbies <3

And in the same theme, I lost to starlitskies. So to celebrate her win, here are a few stories of her's, all of different genres!!! So there is bound to be something for everyone. Enjoy! Subscribe, read, comment!




angst/fluff supernatural/vampire PWP

Take Flight

It's Our Secret


Hakyeon runs away, but Wonshik knows just where to find him. Sanghyuk was never allowed to talk to the vampire boy who lived next door. He was also one to never follow the rules. Hakyeon's neck has always been a sensitive part of his body.



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Well these sound interesting. haha I shall have to give them a gander and see how next week pans out for you! You can do it! ^_^
and I am once again down three more stories--I'm out of stories now I swear!!! :'D stop losing!!
Ooh I already read the second two ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but I'll totally give the first one a whirl ;)
I think the highlight of my week is actually seeing you say something along the lines of 'hey, I lost again' because I can almost hear how sheepish you sound right now XD But I'll definitely check some of these out!
Naw, unnie, you can't lose to me too, understand?xD I am like one of the laziest writers ever xD