I need some encouragement and advice...

Hey guys, I need some help. The past few days, I've been feeling sad. My boyfriend broke up with me. He gave me a NOTE that said, "I'm breaking up with you." Later that day, my best friends told me that his reason was that he thought he could do better than me. Because of that, I've been feeling really down, and my self-esteem and confidence has gone down as well. And that evening after I got home, he emailed me saying that he and I could still be friends since he and I were best friends before we were dating. What should I do? How will I get over this?


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You deserved someone who appreciate you and accept you for who you are .. You should follow your heart. If you feel that you could still be friends then be friends but draw a clear line.. but if you dont feel like it then its best to pary way for good.. All you need is some time. Eventually you'l get over it somehow . Stay strong and never lose yourself while loving someone . You have to love yourself even more after all this stuff
First of all, a guy who depreciates a woman's self esteem and downgrades her like that does not deserve any woman at all, and he definitely does not deserve someone like you. It was a wise thing to break up because he does not respect you or consider your feelings at all. Itmay hurt now, but u will thank him for this later. You dont want a future with someone who gives u low self esteem. You need someone who reminds you of how worthy and precious u are, and he is def not the guy. The right guy will come by. Whether u wanna remain friends or nor is up to you.. As long as u dont let him open up old wounds. If seeing him reminds u of his painful words, then dont befriend him anymore