When in block, do something else (aka Kata vs requests)

Hey guys :D So..lately I haven't been making many posters..much to my requesters' 'delight'. Honestly, I'm suffering from a block worse than ever. And I also got some very tough requests which doesn't really help either :D Anyway, I made a couple posters just for fun today, trying to push myself back into a state of productivity (couple is to be taken literally, as I made two xD) I'm also posting my other lates things cause two is so..few. On one of these the username is not mine, before you accuse me of stealing from myself it IS me, I just wanted to move accounts because idk...but gave up because I'm too lazy xD too much work lol. Hopefully after this weekend I'll be better at this whole..poster thing. Life updates none for now because if I start it'll take me hours to type everything down so..soon :D

Bye bye loves, I'll go and take a nap lol




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whaaaaat.....? how do you even? Are you sure you're in block right now? Cause when I'm in block I do worse than these srsly
The second and the last one, I totally love these! Ofc i love all but yeah :D
When I have a designer block I just, idk, I sit down and do the request after procrastinating for a looong time ofc lol haha but at some point I think, hey, just do it like you'd always do a poster, something so controlled you are already skilled in it
I think you'll still do amazing, unique things! :)