I hate college group projects!!!

​I absolutely hate college group projects.

I don't know why I should be assigned to a group of people whom I dont know and except them to take care of 25% of the work and in return, they slack?
It's 2016 and professors still want group projects? WTF.
Its almost 11pm. I am suppose to meet up with a partner tomorrow morning, and who hasnt contacted me all day? HIM.
I am NOT about to sabotage my hardwork and GPA because he wants to skip out on the ing project. HELL NO. If you arent helping, your name will not be on the project, simple as that.
I did not pay $2100 to be paired up with Mr. fresh out of high school who thinks this is all fun and games.
And the only reason why he wants to do it in the morning is because he has a "photoshoot" at night. , what is more important? A dumb photoshoot or your final?
We have one week to finish this and then its due on the 10th. We dont have time to be ing around.
I shall leave you all with this fun video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gyMAIFzZq8
​This isnt my 1st group project.... ALL of my group project partners has been .



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You know, I did group project before. There was a guy and other members hate him ><. Me also. He is annoying. ~~~ But for team work, we need to be patient. Believe, this will end. Ignore and do project.
girl i know its hard but like im not gonna lie, you will have those kinds of people. I had 5 group projects this semester, and all of them had at least one difficult member, maybe one of them being me. You will need to know how to deal with these kinds of people. These are skills you are gonna need to knwo for the workplace after graduation. trust.I KNOW. it but important. sooner or later you will appreciate it and you will appreciate the guys who dont do the project because they taught you a valuable lesson. what that lesson is, i dont know, but for sure they wont be learning anything lol
Wow calm down . I hate doing group projects too. Sometimes our partner didn't do anything at all.