Advices please

So, I got myself a boyfriend.

He's sweet and nice.

I like him. Gawd, I like him so much.

He's perfect.

Tall and handsome with his model-like figure, a perfect gentleman. He always cares about people around him and unexpectedly charming with his dorky pick-up lines. A member of school prefect, good with his study.

He's just like some manga's character. Y'know, the flower boy type. Except that he's a bit dense.

What else should I ask for? I should be grateful.

But do I deserve him? I mean, I'm just a normal student. I'm doing average in everything. I don't stand-out much. And I'm probably not the best for him. 

He deserves better. He doesn't need a loser like me.

'if you love something, you have to let it go.'

Should I let him go? I don't want to be a burden to him. 

And I dont want to be a who's using his kindness for my own good.

One-sided? It's okay. I'm happy nevertheless.


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I feel like things that you think is average and just plain in you is something that your boyfirend finds beautiful and great that he truly Likes alot. Don't put yourself so low because what you may not know is that you are a wonderful person and your boyfirend is glad to be with you. You should express yourself to him so he can understand what your feeling. If you guys both truly like each other there should be no doubt in your mind, and no insecurities because all that matters is you guys being together. Don't make decisions that you may regret later because you may think your not good enough but you definitely are!
Inajspirit #2
Is he someone that i know?It's him right?
I don't care if you like him but you must appreciate it my friend :)
He's all yours. He chose you, then you're the lucky one bc he doesn't want anyone else. If he leaves, then there will be someone else much better than him. Don't be insecure with yourself, if he doesn't want you, he won't choose you in the first place :)
"He's just like some manga's character. Y'know, the flower boy type. Except that he's a bit dense." Wait aren't all manga male characters dense as well? Lol. Okay, I got sidetracked.

Darling, don't ever doubt yourself. That's all I'm gonna say. ^^
Give yourself a credit..! Never doubt yourself that you're not deserve him. Don't over think it, just stay positive and enjoy the teen love, because I do. That's is the way I found my husband.
Sometimes I felt insecure because my husband was very Kind and obey his parents. He's come from a good and religious family while I'm had a dark past. Before I'm married him, i ask myself if I deserve him because I know the looks his relative gave me. I glad that i choose to stay with him, because he changed me, No. He help me to seeks Allah. We help each other, keep reminding to always worship Allah. He's the best husband for me, and I grateful to Allah for lend him to me.
He deserve you, because you're better for him. Makes yourself better if you think he deserve the best. And it's his decision to make whether you good for him or not. If he loves you, then try your best to take care of it. Good Luck dear.
You deserve him. Darling don't let you insecurities drag you down and never doubt yourself and be positive about everything ok? You are worth loving for. Keep you chin up coz he choose you among many pretty girls of your school because he knows you are special and unique in your own way. Fight for him ok?
never ever over think and think badly about yourself, i don't know you but i know everyone deserve the best and i remember you suffered in a past love thing (*i don't remember much sorry) but yeah he will Decide whether you are good or bad for him but you HAVE & MUST do you best for him , not academically, academic never was a property in love , just care about him and love him and make him feel he owns the world, you'll see how in love he'll full for you ^^
You deserve him. You don't need to have the perfect grade or looks to get someone life him. Why do you deserve him ? He is a nice guy and you are a nice girl(I can say from this post) so it would be nice, if 2 nice people dated. DO NOT LET HIM GO. Be with him and see where the future takes you.