Sick of seeing the same old things being featured?

Not hating on anyone. I just have some food for thought. 


If you are tired of the way that the feature system seems to cater to certain bands, genres, even plots, 


Change it. 


yeah, it's as simple as that. If each person went back through their subscriptions and simply upvoted everything they enjoyed, the feature system would be a lot more balanced. So you wanna get the feature more equal? 


UPVOTE. It really is that simple.


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Oh, I thought the featured thing was paid-for. *lame* I really have no idea how this stuff works. But yeah. I do upvote stories I like, but can hardly find anything readable, let alone worth upvoting these days. (and this is what gets featured. It's sad.)
As much as I hate to say this, but a lot of the stories that I like and would gladly upvote are something that no mainstream audience would really enjoy. They're not stories that are front and center, and whilst I love them for that others hate them or simply don't know that they exist for the same reason. So yes, upvoting would definitely help, but I really don't think that it would v be enough to get all those different genres, bands, plots and stories a moment in the so called spotlight.
That sounds like a great idea. I will go through and see if there's anything I haven't upvoted.
Only a few story I've enjoyed got featured, and it's depressing as there are so many stories out there that deserve just as much recognition. The ones getting feature are at times the same authors whose previous work has been featured. Not that it's wrong, but ugh. It how the majority only read a certain genre or idol groups....
While I am tired of seeing the same featured stories over and over (I rather liked it when I still had the option not to see the featured stories on the main page based on site preferences), I'm inclined to think that the band, genre, and plot (contrived, overwritten pieces and bands though they may be) are what get them there in the first place. And while your suggestion holds merit for sure, it may take a bit more of a concentrated effort to get something else featured due to the vast number of other stories already on the site. Not to mention that the ones you or I might favor don't tend to have the limelight as often since they often go against the grain of 'tried and true.'

By all means, I do think people should continue to upvote, especially since it is one of the only ways to actually try and make that change happen yourself, but maybe a little more coordination could be useful? Especially because it's on a weekly system of 'most votes' as it were, so far as I'm aware. Like I said, good suggestion though. Vote with your clicks! lol
So true! I try to upvote the stories that I've enjoyed as well. But somehow, it just seems like the same old plots, bands or genres that get the most attention! Even with the new implementation that only verified users can vote doesn't seem to change things.
yes omg.
people be complaining about the quality and I'm like, 'but bro, why are you just sitting there and doing nothing?'
after all, the people who upvote did something and the fics get featured.
do something because it's worth it :^D
This is true. I agree with you.
That does make a lot of sense.