Heenim had his baby!

My Marimos, Heenim and Teukie, are officially parents.

Heenim had his baby today.

I ripped off his growth and rolled it into a baby, lol

He was starting to fall off anyway.

I also got them a real tank to live in. It lights up and had a filter to keep the air flowing.

Aren't they cute in their new home?

I named the baby TeukChul, lol

I put the tank on top of my Kpop shelf. It was the only place close to a good plug-in.

I think it looks nice up there.




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Wookachu8 #1
That's what my life is missing! A Kpop shelf. I have the CDs together, but have cravenly hid any pictures etc I own. My son suffers enough from my addiction with all things Korean. Your mossies look so happy and Heechul is there to watch over them. Good job birthing the little one!
franchcoffee #2
Congratulations! TeukChul❤
I hope .....you write Teukchul sweet story ......
I want and hope to read your Teukchul fictions
Have a nice day Author-nim
May God Bless You
Congratulations! ^^
cute~~~ <3
Sweet <3
You actually have kpopshelf.. I don't even have place for that T.T
What a cute little family. Congratulation for the baby! ^-^
Your little stories about Heenim and Teukie are so damn ADORABLE i love hearing about them! Congratulations to them, and welcome Teukchul into the world! <3
Love the little family!!
So cuuuuute~~~!! ><
Love the blue light with all the SJ stuff behind it. Awww cute Teukchul~
The dialogue and all look so cute!!! Hahahaha
Congrats Heenim and Teukie!!