ωαя∂εη's Sweet Player, Cherry!

Cherry : Hisakawa Sumia
Layni17 : Tsuki : 8/10
full name : Hisakawa Sumia
other NAME(s) : lorem ipsum
nickname(s) :
Aegi-ah; WARdEN calls her this since she's the baby you know~
Dance Machine; By her fans and her bandmates, she's known as the Dance Machine since she's just as good, if not better than Nari was and Yoo is.
birthdate : February 16th, 1997
birthplace : Kyoto, Japan
hometown : Kyoto, Japan
ethnicity : Japanese-taiwanese
languages :
Japanese; Fluent, native language
Mandarin; Fluent, her mother was fluent from living in Taiwan for years and that was how she and her daughter spent time together, learning Sumia's father's language. She lived in tAIWAN FROM AGE THIRTEEN TO FOURTEEN.
Korean; fluent, has been learning for five years and couting, currently lives and works in South Korea
English; Semi-fluent, she's been learning English for about six years now
like a mannequin
faceclaim : Tzuyu of Twice
height & weight : 165 cm + 52 kg
bloodtype : o+
appearance : Sumia is known to be very beautiful, and there is a good reason why. Her skin is pale, and she was luckily born without the genes that allow for hereditary acne- And because she takes care of her skin so well, she doesn't have any. Her eyes are small and almond-shaped, and under them are naturally puffy. They're a dark brown color. Both her upper and lower lips are fairly small without too defined of shape. Her nose is a bit too large for her face, but overall her face is fairly proportionate. Her body is fairly shapeless as her age, but she hopes when she gets older that she'll end up with a not...Board-like body.
style : Wardrobe
What does Sumia like to wear? Well, I can tell you one thing for sure- A lot of high-waisted shorts. In fact, high-waisted everything is a total plus. Honestly, her closet doesn't have much variety color-wise. Almost everything is black, white, or dark blue. She wants to be either cute or comfy, normally cute. Sumia is prepared to sacrifice being comfortable on a plane if she can be beyond cute. When it's colder she wears a jacket of some sort- Sometimes with shorts, others with leggings and jeans. A skirt is possible as well. She's a fan of striped and plaid for her shirts. Her formal basically matches her normal color scheme despite being done by her stylists, a lot of black and white and dark blue. Normally she'll wear short dresses, but occasionally a blouse and skinny jeans work if it's between formal and casual. At the airport, she deviates a bit and wears light blue a lot, just to change is up for the fans. Almost all of her pajamas are nightgowns, some uglier than others but if she likes the material, she'll buy it. Sumia has a lot of color variety there, from yellow to pink to purple to white to grey...Like I said, the material. She only ever wears heels and tennis shoes, if she wears something different its because she was forced. Sumia hates boots, flats, sandals, etc. She actually has a lot of different pairs of glasses, from clear plastic with big frames to thin, black metal ones. She prefers cheap to expressive there. Her makeup tends to be on a more natural side, as her skin is very pale and she feels that intense makeup looks bad of her. Her nails are painted once a month, but only once. Never anything too fancy, unfortunately, because she doesn't know how. She wishes she could do cool things like these.
why am i like this?
traits : (+) Sweet, intelligent, charming, charismatic, empathetic (=) Emotional, detail-oriented, contemplative, athletic (-) Uneasy, worrier, distrusting, unrealistic, secretive
personality : Long story short, Sumia is the resident sweetheart of WARdEN. Whereas the other two maknae-liners are considered to be mischievous and playful, Sumia is quiter and well-mannered. She likes to leave little presents for the members around the dorm, and doesn't cause many problems. She's smart but doesn't show it in school, instead only being average. She is, however, good with words and can craft them ot her advantage. She's naturally charming, people flocking to her because she just draws them in. It's an air about her, having to do with her charisma- She simply has a lot of it. She exudes charisma with a simple look, and really draws attention on stage. Sumia is empathetic and can relate to many people's experiences. This makes her feel like someone you can trust.
She's very emotional, though, and would easily cry at the drop of a hat. It could be over nothing important and still, the tears would come. She gets meotional on others' behalves as well. SHE'S DETAIL-ORIENTED AND ALWAYS FOCUSES ON LITTLE ERRORS. To Sumia, the details really matter. It doesn't really matter how great it is overall, every detail should be a certain way and that's why Sumia's dancing is so great. She focuses on every muscle and movement she does, and controls it. Sumia is very athletic and loves all sports (That aren't golf). Soccer, basketball, volleyball, polo, swimming, doesn't matter, Sumia loves it. She staysin shape and keeps fanstic abs. She's very impressive with how active she is- A jog af four in the morning, every morning, not matter the time she went to sleep or got home.
That all being said, Sumia is always uneasy. Constantly, her feelings are uneasy- It's her state of being. There's always something that makes her feel this way, though she never knows quite what. She worries about everything, from Soo Jung getting home late to if she laid out the right clothes for tomorrow. It's all about the details. No matter how much you trust her, it's hard for Sumia to trust you. Thanks to being bulied in the past and no teachers heping her, Sumia felt the aches of racism against her and finds the bad in people. She can't help it, it's how she naturally is- That's why she is naturally closer to the foreign members of WARdEN. She keeps secrets from WARdEN- While she knows all of theirs, they know few of hers. The same can be said about her friends. She in unrealistic and expects too much from herself and others. She foolishly believes everything can be perfect when it obvious can't be.
background : Hisakawa Sumia was born to an eighteen-year-old mother in Kyoto, Japan. Her father wazs Taiwanese and moved to Japan to be with them- He was twenty-three years old. However, only two years after Sumia's birth, her father died in the 1999 Jiji Earthquake- Also known as the 921 Earthquake. He'd been visiting his hometown for a few days to attend a close friend's birthday party. It was his second day of five and his body wasn't found until 60 hours after the earthquake hit. He was one of the 2, 416 deaths caused by the earthquake. Her mother, Yumiko, was devastated but couldn't wallow in her own self-pity. She immediately tried to find work, surviving off of her husband's last paychecks and health insurance. She sent Sumia to daycare from opening to closing time, six a.m. to six p.m. Once Yumiko found her job, she started to send Sumia to overnight dayacre, working too late in the night to care for her. Sumia was basically raised by herself and her daycare caretakers. When she was school age, Sumia still went to overnight daycare.
Because her mother was absent and she was raised around a bunch of kids who didn't have anything to do with her, Sumia found ways to entertain herslf, most noteably dancing. She fell in love and had a natural talent for it. In school, Sumia had few friends and did very average in school. The one thing she excelled at was langauges. She was occasionally bullied for being a "halfie," and teachers never did anything to help her or stop them. They simply turned a blind eye, and Sumia couldn't stand it. Age at twelve, Sumia's primary caretaker at the overnight daycare (Kim Hana) she still attended was moving to Korea- She was more like a mother than her blood one was. She begged to go, having heard of the amazing entertainment companies they had, and wanted to try it out. Her mom was surprisingly okay with it, as was Hana. In fact, Hana was thrilled to be taking Sumia with her- She felt as though Sumia was already her daughter. She was a bit iffy that Sumia wanted to try out to become an idol, but she knew it was her dream and allowed her.
Sumia was meant to debut in 2013 with a song called Dream Candy. Then her bandmate died. In december, she got into a horrible rockclimbing accident- It was terrifying. One minute she was turned around, staring at the beauitful landscape behind her and the next, she could hear her harness snapping. The horrible feeling of a free-fall froze her mind, and then the horrible pain when she hit a natural platform. She out and woke up in an ambulance. She passed out again, and the next time she awoke, Soojin and Hana were crying at her bedside, Ahseong speaking softly to the both of them. They cried more when Sumia captured their attention. For months, Sumia suffered through horrible phyiscal therapy. There were times where she wanted to give up, but she wanted to sing and dance more. Finally, in 2016, Sumia rejoined her band WarDen.
likes :
- Elephants, they're SO. COOL.
- Pigs, what the heckie, they're adorable.
- French ballads, they're fascinating. And terrifying, but amazing nonetheless. Her favorite is Madamoiselle Noir.
- Eating, it's seriously one of her favorite things to do.
- Sports! She wants to play them all the time, actually.
- Chi Chi, what ever happened to them? ;_;
- Board games, everyone needs. To. Admit. It. Board games are fun, seriously. She adores them, like a lot.
- Her bandmates are subjected to hours of them whenever the girls have freetime. Sumia feels no regret.
- Fish, it's delicious. What else do you need?
- Halloween, she will admit she likes it a little, tiny bit more than Christmas. Just a tiny bit!
dislikes :
- Wet socks, they're actually the worst, you cannot deny this.
- Summer time, it's too hot to play sports...Fall is definitely the best.
- Smoking, how can you bear to ruin your lungs like that? She wants to personally start an anti-smoking campaign to warn of the dangers and prevent people from starting to smoke. It really is horrible...
- Twitter, sorry man, you're just not that good.
- Cheese, it's horrifyingly bad. Cheese lovers, step back. She really hates it a lot. How can people eat that?!
- Golf. That's it. Golf.
- Performing in the rain, that's not okay man. The slipping and the sticking clothes and ugh...Who let them perform out there?! Who came to this?!
- When characters are needlessly killed off, if it's purely for drama she doesn't understand at all...Why?
hobbies :
- Painting nails, though she can only do basic things she loves it.
- Skiing, she's done it for about two years and became determined to be pretty much amazing at it.
- Gardening, it's so dumb (At least, that's what people tell her) but she had a green thumb and loves taking care of plants.
- Studying, she does it for fun instead of for tests. Making sure knowledge is in your brain and learning new facts is really amazing. This may just be why she aces nearly every test- It's not uncommon to find her studying behind the scenes, she brings all of her textbooks with her. So what if she's working?
- Rockclimbing, unfortunately it's how she got injured and she hasn't gone since...
habits :
- Picking at scabs when she's nervous, people think its gross but she can't help it...
- She tends to drink whatever liquid is near her when she's particularly angry, she doesn't understand it at all. Why does she do that? Does she think she can drown the anger? That's so...Yeah.
- Cracking her knuckles in quiet situatin is horrible, but it's her.
- Apparently she flirts naturally. Whoops.
- It's very apparent that she sticks her tongue out of the corner of when she's thinking or doing homework. It's natural to her.
trivia : 1
- Sumia doesn't really watch TV much, dramas don't interest her, nor do cooking shows or reality shows or anything on TV, really.
- She isn't into any music that's not French or KPOP. Sorry everyone else.;
- Her miniature pig is named Boo, he's just adorable.
- Hm, she really hates K-hip hop. A lot.
- Sumia likes to steal her bandmates skincare products so she doesn't have to buy her own.
- Sumia has this thing for, like, going on really casual dates. She doesn't like big fancy dates, it's not her style.
- She once met a girl at the park who just...Woofed in her ear and left. It was very strange and every unwelcome, to say the least.
- Her ideal type is someone into sports, with a very boyish personality and standard looks. Not to mention, big warm hands are amazing- The cuddling would be awesome, she loves it.
- If you don't know, Sumia is a cuddler and loves skinship.
- Sumia would describe herself as...Different. But she would never expand on that, because she doesn't know herself.
- She thinks that her bandmate Yoonmi is the prettiest of the band- She definitely deserves the nickname Secret Visual.
- Her social media is as follows: @cherry_a_lot (Instagram), @sumia_is_still_alive (Personal Instagram), and @cherryofthebandWARdEN (Snapchat).
- She uses @cherry_a_lot the most, as the name implies.
- @sumia_is_still_alive is the next most used, though only family and friends have it.
- @cherryofthebandWARdEN is used the least, because she finds it kinda boring, hence the very literal name.
- Her current favorite song is Don't Let Me Go from SHINee's 1of1 album. Isn't she in for a surprise?
- She doesn't listen to a lot of SHINee otherwise, though. Just some of their older things, like Juliette, JoJo, Hello, Love Like Oxygen...
- Sumia would eat cereal for years straight.
- She's not even kidding.
- Soup is absolutely amazing in fall and winter. Make her some, she'll make sure to repay the favor with homemade soup of her own. Soup is the one thing she can cook.
- Her special talent is always making a goal. She can't remember the last time she hasn't- Referring to soccer, of course.
you're too harsh
family :
Mother | Hisakawa Yumiko | 47 | Seamstress + high school teacher | Warm, hard-working, hard to describe her negatives with a single word or two | 6-10
Yumiko is truly a lovely and inspiring woman- SHe's done everything in her power to support her child and give her a good life. She is someone that others go to for advice and a warm hug- However, Yumiko is really...Lax with her kid. She was often absent from Sumia's live and thus left her to raise herself. She hasn't really given a thought to how they're doing or what they're doing, really, and Sumia feels that gap. She admires her mother so, so much and wants to work as hard as her, but she can't feel truly close with her. A lot of that is because of her mother's way of parenting when she did- I am not your friend, I am your mother and you'll treat me as such. Do not tell me everything. I won't tell you everything, so don't tell me everything. Because of this Sumia feels separated from her mother.
friends :
Best friend | Kim Inhye (FC: Nayeon of Twice) | 20 | None | Charming, loving, passive, inhibited | 9-10
Inhye and Sumia met in their middle school years (They met at a culture event) and haven't seperated since. Inhye is deaf, but unfortunately not so proud to be so. She isn't in college because she can't afford it, or a cochlear implant, or a translator or a TTY, so she doesn't have a job either. Her parents are ashamed of her and have kept her away from the world for a few years. They never learned sign language to communicate with her and so they have no idea what her life is really like. Inhye spends her time cooking and texting Sumia because there's nothing else for her to do. She's read every book in her house from cover to cover four times at least. She can only sneak out when Sumia can get her, and she has no internet access. She's only allowed to use the TV when Sumia is performing, and of course she can't hear it. She relies on subtitles and watch Sumia dance. Sumia loves Inhye so, so much. This girl is so strong and beautiful, she deserves better. Her smile should be shared with the world. They communicate through writing and the few signs that Sumia knows- Her brain is filled with too many languages as is.
Close friend | Park Daehyun (FC: JB of Got7) | 21 | Vet intern | Free-spirited, genuine, lazy, opinionated | 8-10
Daehyun is pretty much Inhye's only other friend, so naturally Sumia grew close with him as well. They both cheerfully plot the murder of Inhye's parents (Admit it, you do the same to your friend's ty parents) and like to get snowcones after. Their friendship is less senstitive and more about teasing the crap out of each other. Daehyun does not like Sumia as more than a friend, and she does't like him as more than a friend either- Just to put that out there, because a lot of people mistake them as a couple. Daehyun tries to get Sumia to date someone, but she doesn't really care in the slightest. He says she's a natural flirt and could get anyone she wanted, but what the point? She'd rather study than go on a date. Daehyun thinks she's crazy, seriously. Someone get this girl help! He loves Sumia and Inhye to death, and would never think about harming them, or letting someone harm them. If they do, there will be hell to pay. He supports Sumia's idol career a lot.
Close friend + former bandmate | Kim Iseul  | 18 (At death, would be 21) | Idol (Main rapper, vareity) | Charming, clean, pouty, selfish | 8-10
Iseul meant a lot to Sumia. She was always particularly close with her and did a lot to care for her. He always worried about how her baby maknae was doing and what she ate that day. Iseul always had a supply of food kept hidden for when the diets got too intense, and Sumia found that to be very admirable. Iseul was her inspiration- As a rapper who didn't get to rap, she knew that her unnie was very sad. Their debut was a single and Iseul got few lines and understandably had a hard time. She never gave up, though, and stayed strong, making her Sumia's hero. Every night Sumia says a prayer for her- sure, she's not that religious, but enough that she asks her God to let this angel be happy. Sumia wonders often what Iseul would look and sound like now, all grown up and being the main rapper while Yoonmi was the lead rapper. She wonders how WARdEN would have played out without Daeun and Maeri- What their career would look like is Iseul had just lived.
others :
Bandmates | Lee Seulki, Wu Yufei, Lee Soo Jung, Kwon Miyoung, Baek Yoonmi | 23, 25 21, 22, 20, 20 | idols (WARdEN) | many, many things | various-10
Sumia loves her bandmates, including Yufei, who is joining for the first time. She hopes to make Yufei comfortable, AND OFTEN TRANSLATES WHEN sEULKI ISN'T AROUND OR IS BUSY TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Most WARdEN members are at least conversational in Mandarin, so it's often for variety shows or full conversations. She gets along with everyone well- Maybe Yoonmi the least, as she's distances herself to a degree. Sumia is doted upon for being th maknae and is kind to everyone. What they don't know, however, is how much this nineteen-year-old really knows about them- She's learned everything, even if no one told her.
Guardian | Kim Hana | 35 | Daycare worker | Warm, loving, stubborn, nosy | 9-10
Hana is a Japanese-Korean woman whom Sumia has known since her toddler years- She was pretty much raised by her, as she was her primary daycare worker. Sumia was in an overnight daycare most days of her life, and when Hana said she was returning to Korea, Sumia begged to go with her. Hana had grown to love Sumia like her own, and was well aware her mother was unsuited to raise her. Thus, she asked to be given rights to Sumia. Yumiko agreed, and just months later Hana was transferring Sumia to a school in Seoul. Hana and Sumia adore each other, they really are like mother and daughter and Hana checks in on her girl every day. When Sumia had her accident, she was there just as often as Sujin and Ahseong, and took care of her. She helped with her immensely with physical therapy and took an extended amount of time off of work when SUmia returned from the hopsital. While Sumia called her birth mom Okaa-san, she calls Hana Umma- Hana is her real mother at the end of the day, they all know it.
i wanna be like that unniE
stage name : Cherry
persona : The SWEET pLAYER
fanclub : Players + #54001D
talent twin(s) : yOOa OF omg (vOCAL) + Yooa of OMG (Dance)
trainee years : Four years + four months (One year + four months at FNC Entertainment, three years at UouO Media)
TRAINEE life : Sumia trained for one year and four months at FNC Entertainment, where she lived a very harsh trainee life. FNC was not kind to the foreign trainees that they asked for so much, and very quickly Sumia found herself negotiating her leave. aS sOON AS SHE DID, SHE AUDITIONED FOR UouO Media. She was accepted after three rounds of auditions, and was immediately put into their Korean tutoring program. At UouO Media, the hours were much more doable with school and she didn't feel like she was being used. She did very well in UouO Media, some trainees hating her for being seemingly "perfect," while others adored her angel-like personality. She became close with CEO Ahn Minha and a lot of the staff. Sumia never had many problems while she trained for three years.
predebut :
Strawberry milk CF (2012 + Early 2013)
Repeated Cameos in School 2013 (2012 + Early 2013)
scandals :
Cherry of WARdEN Cursed on Live Broadcast?! | False, since she slurred her words due to exhaustion it sounded like she'd cursed. However, she spoke no innapropriate language but still issued an apology for not speaking more clearly. 2016
WARdEN's Cherry dating overage man? | False, Sumia was seen out with Daehyun and people took pictures. Netizens started rumors but UouO Media made a very clear, firm statement that Daehyun was simply SUmia's friend and that there were no romantic feelings. Some agreed, others didn't.

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : Son Naeun of Apink
personality : lowkey doesn't matter
background : none
relationship : Sumia simply has a crush on her sunbae, Naeun. They've met sometimes through variety shows, but nothing beyond that.
everything is so awkward
comments : lorem ipsum
scene request(s) : lorem ipsum
suggestion(s) : lorem ipsum
password : lorem ipsum
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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