Author Tag (stolen from Laulau95)

My friend Laulau95 made this and I've been meaning to blog it but hadn't gotten a chance until today. So here we go!



1- Which group(s) are you used to write about? 

   Um I am actually quite versatile when it comes to writing groups! So I can't really say that there is one that I am more used to.


2- What do you think you are known for? 

AFF wise? Being friendly (I think!)
Writing wise? Ummmm writing fantasy for more unknown groups? I really don't know. I think in general a lot of people only read the stories of mine where their bias band is starring (like Starlights only read my VIXX ones, Inspirits only read my Infinite ones, ARMYs only read my BTS ones, etc) so I really don't know.


3- Which character would you say you are an expert to portrait? 

I am not an expert in any! I have ones that are easier for me to write (Hakyeon in anything, or Minhyun in general) but I wouldn't consider myself an expert.


4- What would be your dream as an AFF author? 

To see the authors who really deserve recognition (for unique stories, well written stories, etc) get the attention they deserve. That would make me incredibly happy <3


5- What inspires you? 

Many things to be honest! Sometimes a song, sometimes a dream, occasionally an image that I see somewhere, etc. I think I am constantly drawing inspiration from all kinds of different places, and then one day all those pieces of inspiration click together and I realize they can make a cohesive story!


6- Who do you think is your spiritual bias? ( The one you share the most traits with) 

Ummmm DGNA's Injun. He's very talkative and friendly and hyper, and always trying his hand at new creative things, and everyone assumes that he is an extrovert, and yet he has said before that he is actually an intovert and has to take a day to himself occasionally to recharge. And that is 100% me!


7- Do you want to make a career out of it? 

Out of writing? Not a career, no, I am quite happy with the career I have. I have been editing a story of mine with the thoughts to try publishing it one day; we shall see how it goes. =)


8- Which idol do you think you can't portrait well? 

Ummm I don't know? Probably Hongbin; I actually quite struggle when writing from his POV and so I avoid it at all costs. But I don't think it's that I can't portray him, I think it's more that I don't care to try.


9- Your Top 5 Biases. 

1. Seunghoo (MBLAQ)
1. Karam (DGNA) (yes both are #1, they're tied)
3. Yoojoon (TriTops)
4. Ken (VIXX)
5. Jaejoong


10- What a day looks like in your life? 

Oh gosh. I wake at 6 or 7, depending on how tired I am, and head out to work on the ranch. That is feeding and watering horses, goats, llamas, and chickens. Then mend anything that needs mending (fences, 4wheeler, etc), head inside about 9:30-10 to make and eat "breakfast" and enjoy my coffee. Then it deviates! On MOST days I have nothing to do until 1PM or so, where I head back out for more ranch work and riding horses until 6-7PM. But about 2-3 times a week I go work with my dad as soon as I wake, which means that I'm busy working on water wells from 6-7AM to 6-7-8PM, depending on sunlight hours. But a regular day! So I get inside after 6-7, make dinner and eat, watch some TV, shower, then try and write. 
All in all, I'm busy most of the time but at the same time, it's sort of a hurry up and wait kind of busy. So I'm on AFF constantly through the day except when I need both hands for something (riding, driving, cooking, well jobs). So yeah!


11- One secret your readers may not know about you. 

Ummmm...? I don't really tell secrets to people, and my readers typically don't care to know more beyond my stories I think. O.o  So... I don't know. I'm always open to be asked questions though!


12- How long does it take you to finish a story? 

It depends. If I am actually focusing on a story, it takes me about a week per chapter to finish it, sometimes less, rarely more. Once I begin something I prefer to finish it ASAP. But if it's a long story then that can mean MONTHS, I mean technically it took 34 weeks to finish Twisting Paths lol!


13- What's the thing you are the proudest of as an AFF author.

My writing style growing and changing constantly. I started out on here never having written ANYTHING fictional, so this was a new venture for me and I have grown a lot over the last 4 and a half years. <3


14- What types of fanfic do you feel the most comfortable writing? 

Fantasy. Give me swords and myths and magic and I am much more comfortable than if you ask me to write a modern day romance. *sigh*


15- How well do you think you perform out of your comfort zone? 

I think I do okay! Cursed was a story that was well out of my comfort zone (female lead, almost purely romance) and yet I think I did an alright job with it. =)  However, getting me to write outside of my comfort zone is like pulling teeth... point in case, On Shifting Sand or That Thing Called Love. They'll be written, just... eventually. *sigh*


16- If a zombie attack happens and you could save only one member of your favorite group, who would it be? 

Uh, Karam. We'll need to repopulate the earth after we beat the zombies, after all LOL. ;)
But he's also such a klutz, I'd be saving him left and right haha.


17- Who's your latest bias wrecker? 

Jay is always trying to steal me away from Karam. It helps that I mainly see him as that 13 year old kid he was when he debuted LOL. When he actually makes me go OH WOW HE'S GORGEOUS, I just push that away and remember his beginnings haha. Works like a charm!


18- What's your ideal type? 

MBLAQ's Seungho. No, seriously. Everything about the guy's personality is so ideal to me. Funny, witty, kind, great sense of humor, takes good care of his bandmates, is handy with pretty much anything, very mature, smart, loyal to his friends, filial to his parents, up for anything even if he's gonna be embarrassed... yeah. He's pretty much perfect.


19- Which authors do you admire the most here on the site? 

Amalya, DGNA_Forever, that-dam-aries


20- What are the 5 sites you visit the most? 

AFF, Facebook, mywriteclub, twitter, terribleminds



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*cheers* I do so enjoy reading these things. haha And I very much appreciate the mention as well. ^_^
I must admit I'm a little surprised you didn't have to deliberate over choosing between Karam and Seungho in the zombie attack question, but I do wonder if Seungho might have a better chance of taking care of himself. lol
And your schedule sounds intense some days. Yikes... O.o
This was interesting to read and always fun to look into your blogs.
You know I didn't really realise you had animals other than horses ;P
So, the first thing I noticed about your answers is that a lot of them revolved around The BOSS... (I "wonder why"...Note the strong sarcasm.) They are so easy to love and relate to, and everyone who loves kpop should love DGNA! Moving on, you are sweet to mention me. You are a big inspiration to ME, too. Ich liebe dich♡.