idk news:

Okay, after some heavy thinking and talking with my fam who I thought don't care about me until now,,


I bitterly inform my move to California is being delayed. Just a little while longer so I can save more and won't b flat broke as soon as his  I go down there.Plan where I can stay and such.



I'll continue pursuing my hrs here, no matter how tough it'll be living here and get an other job again.



There is a delay but this doesn't mean I'm not serious about going, I very much am, but I'm going to do it the smart way. Save up more, practice more, and get my ged.


In the meantime I'll post my videos/song covers/videos and all for you :)

Spreading my word around more maybe even with your guys help so I can pursue my dream in making a career out of this.I'll work very hard. Thank you! -Rienn


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