Hello Pandas

Hi so, this is my first blog, so excuse me if I do this badly. I am going to introduce you to me;


My real name isn't much different. My name is Fayth. 

I'm not going to say my age because you might judge me

And I live in England. I live in a place called Bristol. And I have 3 brothers no sisters, I have 2 really close friends. And I have a psychological problem. This problem is due to a bad entrance  to the social world. I have two personas called Tom and Fayth. Fayth is my sensitive side whilst Tom is my confident side. I have never been actually confident I'm just really good at pretending  to be. I am colour blind which is very rare in girls. 1 in 200 girls are colour blind. And I am probably on of the clumsyist people you could come across. And I called you Panda cause they are my favourite animal, so I felt like calling you that.


That is me faythful12 : Fayth

 And I hope that didn't bore you. 

Goodbye Pandas


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milzybemilzy #1
Hey hi. That such a cool intro to yourself. I am from England myself. Bristol is actually really close to where I live hahaha