so I watched it...

I. What the. I don't even know what the hell is going on. 
It was far from what I expected and honestly I'm glad I didn't burst into tears right away but damn...those lyrics are heart breaking...
I mean i just wanna hug them all and apologize and I don't even know for what! I'm a mess no doubt. I cant think straight I just know that I have a new life motto now 'dream.hope.keep going' so simple and so powerful...
I'm so proud of namjoon, it is a truly amazing and beautiful song and suga's and hobi's parts made me so emotional and moved me so much.

it's deeply upsetting to me that the song is talking about keep going and dreaming even though the fans don't last forever just because I know it's true... I mean I know them from debut yet there were two years in which I didn't even listen to happens and things change and sometimes there are more important things to do right now then to  listen to a music video or look at their updates or even remember it's a members birthday... Whats upsetting to me is that they do work so hard and so much and sometimes it's easy to forget they worry about their fans too...
I honestly hope they will have fans forever.

Im a mess right now not gonna lie... =.=



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It's ok. We can all be messes together.
I totally get your feelings. The lyrics... dear god. BTS' lyrics are one of the main reasons I became so interested in them. They don't just rehash all the same love songs that a lot of bands tend to do. Their music is real and has real meaning. It's so raw and emotional and practically throat punches you in the feels.