"the family that swindles and lies together, stays together. isn't that how it goes?"

one by one


CHOi il kwon (최일권)

NAME: Choi Il Kwon
Il Kwon // Most of the people he meet are told to just call him Il Kwon, both because there are at least a million namesakes spread across the Korean peninsula, and because he doesn't wish to be reminded of his family more than what's absolutely necessary. It may seem silly, and it most definitely is, but he's stubborn, and so it stays the way it is 
BIRTHDATE: October 22nd, 1990 (26 years old)
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea
BLOOD TYPE: B rhesus negative

GENDER: Male (he/him)

Kwon Hyuk Woo (LOCO) [AOMG]
BACK-UP: Moon Ji Hoon (Swings) [Just New Music]


APPEARENCE & LOOKS: At 5"8', Il Kwon's only distinctive feature is his birth mark just above his eyelid. His weight is a few kilograms above what's normal standard for someone his age, but he isn't neither fat nor obese, just kind of bulky. Some say it makes him look scary, although he in reality rarely is. His hair - well, if he had some - is somewhere between dark brown and black, but he prefers to have it cut extremely short, almost to the point of it being non-existing. When he was younger he suffered from 'Dumbo Syndrome', which basically meant his classmates gave him for the way his ears looked from grade 4 to grade 7. They may still be a little flappy (not his use of terminology), but instead of noticing the way they look, people usually pay more attention to his ear piercings - one in each ear. 

FASHION & STYLE: Il Kwon likes to blend in with a crowd, strongly opposed to the rest of his family. He comes from wealth and, he'll give his family that, immaculate fashion sense, but whatever he puts on his body, he doesn't really care about other things than whether or not it falls to his liking. At first glance he doesn't look any different from most underground and painstakingly normal people, and that's the point: He likes the anonymity his clothes give him, and mostly fares in sweaters or sweatshirts with holey jeans. And caps - caps are essential to him, mostly because of his aforementioned relationship to his hair and ears. 

i'm extraordinary at being ordinary

Judgemental, apathic, sarcastic, distrusting, stubborn
Humoristic, dedicated, sense of justice, sneaky, clever

PERSONALITY: Il Kwon has always been somewhat special - not entirely different, and not weird in the word's original sense, but special nonetheless. He has never been one for flaunting the fact that he's well off, and this behavior eventuall caused him to estrange himself from his family. He wasn't kicked out, but chose to leave himself, something he's immensely proud of, especially with the way things are going in his family at the moment. 

Ever the skeptic guy, Il Kwon appears to be very judgemental, and it honestly doesn't take much for him to admit that he probably is. Once he has a somewhat clear perception of how and what a certain person is all about, it takes a lot of effort for him to change his mind, and he's - sadly - very prone to judging a person before he really knows them. It's a habit, a bad one at that, but he can't find it in him to change it for the better. 

His apathy is mainly focused on people who have done him wrong, or whom he has no contact or relation to. In his world, there are two things of significance: Need to know and nice to know, and if something is neither, he stays as far away from it as possible so well-meaning peers can't force him into having a half-assed opinion. He developed this specific trait in his early teens, when he discovered that he couldn't care less about what may or may not come of his grandmother who suffered from pneumonia. He wasn't particularly close to the lady anyways, and what would happen to him if she actually died? Probably nothing. So he didn't care, and he didn't tell anyone that he didn't care, he just systematically avoided his family in the period. As faith would have it, his grandmother did not die, and even here Il Kwon felt nothing. 

Despite coming from a very respected family and having a very strict set of parents, there's absolutely no doubt that Il Kwon was the worst brat south of the Korean border, and he relished in the fact that his decisions could (and 9 out of 10 times would) get him into trouble. Trouble was, in the traditional sob-story way, the only way he could get his parents' attention growing up, and every time he was sent to his room without dinner, he deliberatedly tried to prolong the discussion with either his parents or the staff of the house by the help of snarky bites and sarcastic comebacks. He did the same thing in school, probably to establish dominance, but the difference between his teachers and his parents was that his teachers tried to better his attitude while his parents just wrote him off as a troubled child. 

It probably isn't really that big of a surprise, but Il Kwon has issues with authority - all kinds of it, really, be it his parents, the local police or his teachers. He has a hard time doing what he's told, and he doesn't believe that the bigger man always has the smaller man's best interests at heart. His deep disdain, combined with his apathy (borderline dislike, perhaps) concerning his family took a turn for the absolute worse when his well-meaning mother sent him to a psychologist after a nasty episode at school, and he was kept for "observation" over night because he scratched the dumb when she didn't want to tell him why he was there. 

Goals seem like a far too optimistic prospect for someone like him to have, but alas, he actually does have a few. They're not that big, probably more insignificant than he'd ever care to admit, but when he has set his mind to it, he isn't going to give up before his goals have been reached. His stubbornness is both a blessing and a curse, and it makes him seem like an even bigger than he really is, but it is nevertheless a very distinctive trait about him. 

Despite the fact that he is practically made of negative components, Il Kwon likes to believe that he isn't entirely a bad person. In fact, once one gets past the five layours af vague dislike, condescending behavior, anger, sarcasm and distrust, it's actually possible to find a very down-to-earth kind of guy. Once he's done being an about basically everything and everyone he's actually quite the jokester to be around, and he takes it upon himself to be just that when things around him get too serious. 

The more positive partner to his stubbornness is his dedication towards his relations, his job and his goals. He likes what he does, and he does what he likes, no exceptions, firmly believing that anything else is a waste of precious time. He wants the best for the people he holds dear, believe it or not, he's just incredibly bad at showing it. Once, a friend took the weight of the world off Il Kwon's shoulders by telling him that everybody already knew that, and he chooses to believe things are still like that. 

He fully blames his personality on his, in his eyes, sometimes unfair childhood. He didn't feel listened to or noticed unless it was for something bad, and somewhere in his brain, he knew that that kind of thing wouldn't end up making his parents like him any more, but he nevertheless proceeded to act as his bratty, sarcastic self. It wasn't until he started school and saw how his classmates' parents and their homeroom teacher talked to both him and his classmates that he fully knew his relationship with his parents was far from perfect. Somewhere inside he knew that what his parents did to him - and, in retaliation, what he did to them - wasn't fair for either parts, but both sides had been too headstrong to do something about it. 

This strained relationship has, however, given birth to a pretty distinct sense of justice - when Il Kwon sees something unfair he calls people out on it without really thinking about it. This has gotten him more enemies than friends, but it isn't something he can control. It's just a reflex. 

Whether or not it's a good trait or a bad trait, Il Kwon values his sneakiness. He finds it incredibly easy - and tempting - to tamper with people's minds, making sure things work out in his favor, or not at all. In addition to this it's probably in it's fair place to note that he isn't stupid. Far from it, actually, although he isn't any Einstein. He was ridiculous at math when he was in school, mostly because it bored him to no end, but he's smart on people. He can read them like billboard signs, and it brings him immense satisfaction to see people he know are liars try to cover up their tracks, when they're practically reaking of nerves. 

Taking everything into consideration and summing everything up, Il Kwon is a product of an unstable environment, but, nevertheless, a very stable and somewhat pleasant guy - you know, if one looks past his bad sides, but hey, everybody's got a little something that makes them special, right? 

there's an 'i' in 'family' and it's there for a reason

BACKGROUND: There really isn't much to say about Il Kwon's upbringing, despite the fact that it has mostly been worse than what he would've liked. being one out of two children in a hilariously big household, one should think that he would be pretty close to his brother/sister by default, but this hasn't really been the case. They tolerate each other, but more so because they have to than because they actually want to. 

Should anyone ask what it was that made his childhood such a pain in the , and, ultimately, what made him a pain in the , he wouldn't be able to give a definite answer. His parents, for one. He strongly suspects they didn't like him (which fits him perfectly, because he's 100% sure he doesn't like them), and that they still don't, but were unable to kick him out because he wasn't legal. Then there's his grandparents - his parents had to have their despicable behavior from somewhere, right? He has never been particularly close with them, but as with his sibling, they have tolerated and co-existed in the same house, despite not wanting anything to do with each other. 

Il Kwon had been 17 for two weeks and three days when he found out he wasn't straight. The source of this epiphany was a guy one year older than him named Jineul who had taken it upon himself to supply Il Kwon with cigarettes he could smoke behind the janitor's shed at school so his mother wouldn't find out. The details concerning his 'turning' have become unclear, but he has been fully aware of his uality ever since, even hooking up with a few women to underline his homouality (in the most douchey way possible, but nobody's perfect). He didn't want to tell his parents because he was absolutely sure his mother would get an aneurysm and his father would pop a neck vein, so in spite of Jineul's prodding into the subject, he kept it to himself. 

His parents found out eventually, and, just as he expected, a lot of yelling and cursing ensued. His father was absolutely sure his homouality was a phase of rebellion, a sickness that could be cured, so he insisted to take Il Kwon to a mental physician to get him checked. He refused, loudly, and left the mansion shortly after. He moved in with Jineul for a short period of time, but things went sour pretty quick for, to him at least, unknown reasons, and by the time Il Kwon was 18, he was also homeless. He enrolled in a homeless shelter and lived there until one of the counsellors, a nice lady called Shelly Chung, helped him find a job. He stayed at the shelter until he had enough money to rent himself a shabby one-room apartment in a basement somewhere close to the industrial harbor, and has lived there ever since. He hasn't seen nor heard from Jineul in 8 years. 

He likes to think that his parents trying to coax him out of being who he really was was the final straw for him, but in reality it was probably more of an excuse to leave a house he hasn't thought of as home for as long as he can remember. His contact to his family is still limited, as limited as it can be with his family showing up on the news from time to time, but he doesn't miss them. In fact, being left alone is probably the best thing that has happened to him in at least a decade. 

all obsessions start as habits

→ He doesn't particularly mind living in his little apartment. He feels like it fits him

→ He's allergic to dogs. Even if he wasn't, he hates the damn things
→ He has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and borderline depression. Although he takes his medication, it's evident that he doesn't take his diagnoses seriously
→ He's bad at staying in touch with people. He forgets to call and text back all the time
→ He dropped out of college during his third year. He still hasn't quite figured out what he wants to do with his life
→ To make ends meet he helps out at an underground recording studio as a producer and lyricist
→ He has tried to quit smoking four times. Each time he has failed
→ He has lowkey adopted a stray cat that hangs out around his apartment building. It's called Hebbo and lives in the foot end of his bed
→ Since he left his home, he has been back only a handful of times, and only to collect his things 


→ Producing and writing music
→ Pretending he doesn't have problems falling asleep, and that his PTSD doesn't bother him
→ Making people feel slightly intimidated
→ Charming people (it's the bad boy look. Works every time)

→ He doesn't always remember to drink enough liquid during a day. Most days he can't remember when he last drank something
→ The first thing he does in the morning is to forcibly remove Hebbo from his bed. Then he proceeds to go outside and have a smoke
→ Sitting with his phone in his hands, turning it over and over until someone tells him to stop
→ Coming of really brash and tough
→ Cooking more food than he can eat. The rest he gives to Hebbo (PETA can stick their rules up where the sun doesn't shine)
→ Taking extremely long showers 

LIKES: Freedom, the idea of family, listening to music with his door locked, drinking, , producing, hot water
DISLIKES: Dogs, his own family, people meddling with his business, being told what to do, wearing a smoking or a tuxedo, funerals and weddings, various sports

a person is only as good as the people around him

Mr. Choi: 68 x Sung Kee Ahn x Paternal grandfather / Despite having known the older man for close to 30 years, Il Kwon honestly can't say that he knows his grandfather. The two of them have never been explicitly close to one another - the last conversation Il Kwon remembers having with him was more yelling than actual conversation, and even though he should feel appaled by the fact that somebody murdered a relative, Il Kwon is surprisingly passive about the whole thing. 

Hwang Yoona: 21 x Jung Eun Ji x sibling relationship (spring fling?)  / Il Kwon likes Yoona, in a weird tolerant kind of way that's uncharacteristic for him. Despite her being younger and his polar opposite, the two of them find some for of comfort in snapping at each other from time to time, even though neither of them would classify the other as a 'friend'. 
There are speculations from time to time on hether or not the two of them, in some way or form, once (or still) could have had a relationship to each other as more than friends. For most it's just a speculation, and it stays that way because Il Kwon doesn't mention it if he doesn't have to. 

Han Jineul: 27 x Lee Seong Hwa (Gray) x ex and previous roommate  / The details about how they met are a bit fuzzy to Il Kwon, but he's crystal clear about the attraction he felt to the older the minute he saw him. It weirded him out for a short while, because he had never thought twice about his uality, but Jineul chose to ignore the younger's obvious awkwardness, both in and outside of school, and, when things with his family got bad, allowed Il Kwon to live with him for a while. Their relationship was a short one, however, and Il Kwon hasn't seen nor heard from Jineul since he left the flat. 

loving you is a crime

Jeon Hyo Jin x 26 x Lim Sung Bin (Beenzino) x Boyfriend

CURRENTLY: Although he doesn't want to admit it, at least not in public, Il Kwon is continuously confused and dazzled by the nature of Jeon Hyo Jin. He's a turning point for the better in Il Kwon's life, and he knows it, only partly because Il Kwon is terrible at keeping his cool in front of him. The two of them are as steady as a whirlwind like Hyo Jin and an earthquake like Il Kwon can be, secretly starting to plan on opening up their own studio as opposed to the one Il Kwon is helping out at now. Il Kwon's parents know of his relationship with Hyo Jin, and have seen him a couple of times, but as of recent still refuse to accept it. 

PAST: Seen in retrospect, something has probably always been between the two of them - meeting in a very noisy club after a gig by one of the artists Il Kwon had written songs for, the two of them exchanged number under the (pretty lame) pretense of letting Hyo Jin come down to the studio one day, although the studio was nothing big to brag about, and their best artist had been accepted into an entertainment company just a few months before. But Hyo Jin still showed up, and he continued to show up, sometimes to help and sometimes just to sit and watch Il Kwon in his element. It took three weeks before Hyo Jin asked Il Kwon out for (some more) drinks, and theyhave been pretty much joined at the hip ever since. 


→ Il Kwon being summoned back to his parents' house for the first interviews with the police
→ Explaining the case to Hyo Jin, skating lightly over the fact that he's a suspect
→ Fighting with his sibling/family 
→ Will probably edit once I think of some more? 

COMMENTS: Aaaaaaand the background balls, I know, but what can u do lmao. I actually liked making this character, and I hope he falls to your liking! ♥

PASSWORD: Child ion


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