{ project : paragon } ; the battle ;; Application Form

Jung Jaerin - JAE

Name: Jung Jaerin 

Nicknames: Aerin & JJ

Birthday: Aug 14, 1999

Age: 16 years old

Birthplace: Seoul Korea

Hometown: Seoul Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Language: Korean - Fluent 

               English - She is fluent in English because she took English lessons.


Faceclaim:   Jung Min Hee

Appearance: Height - 161 CM Weight - 47

 Style: Simple but stylish. She doesn’t wear boyish clothes.



Personality : Warm hearted & Lazy

Others: Very talkative, fast learner & loving.

Jung Jaerin is a warm hearted girl her big heart makes people warm up to her easily specially when she's very talkative tho it can be annoying sometimes. If you get to know her better she is also a loving person. Her strong love for her family and friends makes them love her more. In the negative side she is a very lazy person. She is a fast learner but with her lazy attitude that trait isn't really helpful in her life all the time.



Jung Jaerin is the only child of the Jung family. Her father Jung Bong Kuk is a composser while her mother Jung Jaemin is a model. She was born and raise in Seoul Korea. She's been in Seoul Korea for her whole life. When Jaerin is still a young kid specifically 5 years old she was already drawn to dancing. She stared with ballet, jazz until she tried hip hop in the age of 7 which is now her favorite type of dance. She also has a skill in singing. Since her father was a composser she would sometimes steal her father's music sheet's when she was still a young kid just to practice her singing voice and her father was very proud of that. 

As a student Jaerin excels in academics and she was also part of their school's choir.  When she was 13 her interest in KPOP grew that's why she started to have thoughts on auditioning but her parents disagreed because her father wants her to be a composser while her mother wants her to be a model, but after a year when she was 14 she tried to ask for permission again and luckily her parents agreed just to support their daughter's dream. She auditioned in Fantiago Entertainment and luckily she passed. Jaerin developed scoliosis when she was 14 but that didnt stop her in pursuing her dream. 


Jung Jaemin ;; Mother ;; 39 ;; Model

Jung Bong Kuk ;; Father ;; 42 ;; Composser



01. Cha Eun Byul

Eun Byul is one of Jaerin's trusted unni. Since they both have an interest in dancing and singing they get along well. Jae looks up to Eun Byul because her artistic trait. When it comes to vocals she would always ask for Eun Byul's advice since Jaerin's specialty is dancing. 

02. Song Chan Ho

Chan Ho is Jaerin's guy best friend. Chan Ho is a dancer like Jaerin they also started the same year in training. At first Chan Ho had a little crush in Jaerin but Jaerin rejected him nicely and tried to be friends with him instead and as days passed by they became great friends now they have a brother and sister relationship.




- Sweets
- Hugs
- Boy bands (exo & infinite)


- Cockroach & lizards
- Clown
- Big bodies of water

- Dancing
- Watching kdramas
- Singing


- Knows ballet and jazz since she was still a little kid.
- Scared of big bodies of water because when she was still a kid she almost died because of drowning.
- On her 5th birthday her parents gave her a surprised party and surpringsingly there was clown in the party that when her fear of clowns started. Her 5th birthday party was canceled because of Jaerin's tantrums and cries because of the clowns.

- Hugs people a lot

- She has scoliosis she developed it in the age of 14 years old

Stagename: JAE

Position: LEO - DANCE & VOCAL

Trainee Years:3 years

First mission song - Dancing & Singing to BOA's Only One



Password: Royals - royalties

Scene Request:

- Scandal between the trainee's 




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