Living and Working in Korea - Cherry Blossom Festival

So... I got lazy and stopped writing blogs. Don't judge me. Haha.

Last weekend I did something cool. I went to Gangneung, on the north east coast and saw the cherry blossoms. It was a nice seaside town with a lot of beachfront restaurants and was just generally pleasant. Although, I personally would have gotten bored of it very fast if it wasn't for the trees. In Gangneung is a big lake and all around the lake are cherry blossoms. Have some pictures to see for yourself. It was super pretty.

Just a cute little beach. Pretty but (I might be biased here) Australia has a lot better beaches. Also the weather was cold and a little foggy :P


Sideways, sorry. It wouldnt rotate and I dont know why. But damn it's pretty.

sideways again >.<

This is one of my favourite photos from the trip. So pretty.


there were so many people though. So many


So yep, it was pretty. Enjoy my photo dump of the pretty :3


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Its so beautiful (*≧∀≦*)
Wow that has to be so awesome!
Wow! So pretty ♥
Beautiful photo dump of a beautiful place! How long did it take you to get there? And here's something I just thought of- are you driving or is it all public transportation?
Wow its really pretty. My mom would love it.