Lmao what is this?

k-pop and negative influences on teenagers

honestly, as offended as i am, it's almost hiarious to read this bull.
i hope i can meet this person one day and be living proof of a kpop fan to be not "depressed", "autistic" or basically a hermit.

which btw, autisum should not be thrown around for another reason to calling someone "stupid" or "obssessed" because it is a real thing children and adults struggle with. i hate to compare things, but people should honestly treat the term "autisum" and "autistic" the same way you treat the word "retarded", as offensive and derogatory.

anyways, i got a kick out of this person's ignorance, any thoughts?


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Hayaley #1
I'm not depressed and not a hermit. And have this guy been to a k-pop concert? If those fans are hermits or depressed, they would not be attending those loud, crowded concerts. A case of someone not doing enough (or any research) before positing their thoughts. And also very ignorant for using the word 'autistic' so carelessly.
I think that person who wrote that article is stupid