Author Motivation Survey : Filled

So in speaking with a friend, I realized that I get motivated to write on my ongoing stories when I talk about them! And I think it's the same way with many authors, so I'm going to ask some questions and tag 5 people I'd like to see do this. Each person, write your own blog with your answers, and tag 5 more. Each person tagged, comment your thoughts on the issues that the person who tagged you is having. Let's see if we can help one another out!

Of you'd like more thoughts, tag your blog with amtag and I'll try to comment my thoughts on everyone's posts to try and help out. Stay positive please!

Let's get the motivation ball rolling!


The Facts

Question 1. Be honest. How often do you write? Could you write more?

I write about three to four times a week. And yes, I could write more. I have a big issue with procrastination and a big problem with getting distracted. Add to that sharing a computer and doing most of my writing off of my mobile, I don't write as often as I wish I did.


Question 2. How many stories do you have uncompleted, including the ones not posted that you are currently working on?

Eight. That's the most I've ever had at one time and it's because I keep jumping around through different motivations.


Question 3. How many stories are you currently focusing on and are you consistently working on each of those?

Three, and no I am not. I need to, though.


The Specifics

Question 4. What is the main story that you are currently working on, and what is it about? What is the main genre, the target audience, what theme is the story based on?

The Study of You
It's a VIXX Hongbin+Ravi fluff story about them being professors at Hogwarts and them falling for one another. 
Main genre is fluff with a little bit of comedy if I can pull it in. 
Target audience is... um... anyone who enjoys fluffy Hogwarts AU?
The theme. I always like to try and have a theme in my stories and yet this one is lacking because I feel like there's no underlying theme. Maybe... learning that working with someone isn't always the best thing, and in fact it may be a great thing? *slapped*


Question 5. What challenges are you having with your characters?

I hate writing Hongbin and he is the lead character. So should I just switch over to Ravi's POV? He'd be easier to write from... yeah I might do that...


Question 6. What challenges are you having with your story continuation?

Starting it. It's going to be short (one or two shot) but I have like, no desire to start it. I planned it all out but I just dont want to write it! But maybe if I do switch to Ravi's POV then I will want to write it more. I'm gonna try this...


Question 7. What are some things that you'd like others input on?

Um well I just kind of talked myself around the problems! But if anyone has any ideas or input I am always happy to hear criticism or thoughts.



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Your work doesn't necessarily need to have a theme even if it is something that you like doing so maybe try to think about just where you want your plot to end up.
If you really are struggling with Bean, think a little about why. Do you not like his outlook or some other aspect of his character? Or do you struggle to think like him? If you can change something to make it easier for yourself, do, if you can't then there is absolutely no reason not to switch PoV ;) you are the one in charge ;)
I'd like to hear if you've made any progress ;)
I did this (Kaihlee tagged me) and it really did help with motivation. I was so motivated I went home and wrote 2000 words (which is a lot in my lazy writing world) so just - thank you for creating this.

I hope it works switching pov :)
congrats. Maybe you should try doing this more often.