Yoongi is on FIRE~~~

Okay maybe not really, but in this awesome story by Amalya, he certainly is! So take a read and revel in the awesomeness!
Posting this recommendation for two reasons. A) I lost a word count challenge with her (she wrote 20,000 words in a week. WHO does that?!?!) and B) I love this story. It is unlike anything else on here and for some reason, people haven't found this incredible gem. So go. Read. Enjoy. Thank me later.


Yoongi is the co-leader of the Rift Boys, a group of Rift Runners who travel across planes as needed to keep the balance between realms even.  But when their partnered Nemon Pearl goes missing, they will have to find a place that doesn't exist to accomplish a task that might be impossible.  What's worse, getting there is the easy part.


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I'm not even mad the commenter below me called me crazy. Bahaha! ;) But thank you for the advert and your lovely words all the same, my dear. <3 I'm thinking this next week may go a bit differently. lol
Oh, Tigress... Crazy people will write crazy amounts. There's no winning. (Can't even blame you for losing this round, 20,000 words is just insane)