Q & A from under the Sun


Stolen from Laine-chan~ XD Sorry, chingu~ ^^


What was your dream when you were a kid?
To be a singer. Back then I wanted to be the next Brtiney Spears or Sarah Geronimo. ._.

If you don't become that what is your second option?

I wanted to be a teacher then. A science teacher to be exact. (But I'm not even taking up Education.)

Who is your rival?

I see everyone else that is better than me as my rival. :p

What is your nickname and why?
Aly, short for Alyssa. My high school friends call me by my last name.

Your theme song of today is?

Implode by BoA ♥

The first thing you would do when you get up early in the morning is?

Turn off my alarm clock and check the time.

Your most loved food?

Ice cream, carbonara, ddukbokki and rootbeer.

Your most hated food?

VEGETABLES. (the same with Kyu. That is why he's my brother. XD)

Your favourite season is?

There are only two seasons here in the Philippines, rainy and sunny. If it's within the four seasons, I want to experience Autumn and jump on the leaves and make a mess. XD

At this moment the person you want to meet the most is?

Choi Siwon (Heechul, please understand.)

At this moment the thing you want to challenge is?
My teacher in my major subject...

When you compare yourself to an animal?


What do you think you were in your previous existence?

The scent you like is?

Peaches beacuse it's my facial wash. Mangoes and apples because they are my favorite fruits.

The subject you're good at in school is? 

English and Science

The thing that you hate the most in the world is? 

My ex and vegetables?

The only thing that you can't stop is?
My love for music, especially Kpop.

The TV program that you like is?

I have an undying love for the American sitcom, FRIENDS. I love Ross, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Rachel. Besides this, I love Chuck and Glee.

The movie you like is?

I'm not really a fan of movies.

Currently the thing you are crazy about is?


Your ideal way to enjoy a date?

Walk around with our hands intertwined while having street food or ice cream.

Your way to relieve stress is? 

Writing and listening to music.

What is the standby screen on your cell phone? 

Some random wallpaper. It was my sister's before it became mine.

The sushi topping you like is? 

Haven't tasted one. (I'm a loser.)

What kind of moments make you suddenly think "I'm a genius"?

When my plans and ideas are liked by people. :D

The person you respect is?

Someone who deserves it.

The moment when you feel happy is?

Hanging with my friends, listening to music, having people tell me I'm good or talented.

The behaviour of the opposite that attracts you is?
Funny and a gentleman.

The scariest thing in the world is?

Not getting married to any of my biases.

The thing that you are doing for your health is?

I eat.

The thing that you once hated in childhood that you have now come to like is?

Hamburgers, carbonara and lipstick.

The dish that you are best at making is?

I don't cook.

Your outfit when sleeping is?

Pajamas or a random shirt and pajama pants.

The thing that you must do before you go to bed is?

Set my alarm.

Your average sleeping time is?

5-6 hours on weekdays and 8-9 hours on weekends.

The place where you feel the most relaxing is? 

My room.

An interesting dream that you had recently is?

I forgot what was it all about, but I remember that Siwon was there. :D

If you could bring only one thing to a deserted island what would you bring?
Ipod or food? :p

If you had a holiday for 1 month what would you do to spend it?

When I had my sembreak, I just wrote fanfics and ate. :p

Lately the most interesting thing is?

I have survived out midterms.

Lately the most irritating thing is?

These itching spots all over my body. T.T

Have you cried lately?

Yes. I watched Super Junior winning MAMA for album of the year again.

So far the most painful memory is?

The most recent, NOT GOING TO EASTWOOD TO SEE KYUWONHYUK. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3

What is the biggest news about yourself in 2011?

Maybe when I watched SS3 and I graduated high school? :p Or maybe the fact that I was able to stand and sing and perform for our school fair for the last time before I left high school. :>

Please say one last final word to the people reading this



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hae_ki #1
i'll ask permission to steal this. and probably doing this tomorrow
Nah. It's okay if ya steal it. :)