Dear Kdrama

Dear Kdrama.

1) Stop poking the girl's forehead all the time

2) Stop cornering her to the wall.

3) Stop grabbing her hand and pulling her when she doesnt want to

4) And last but not the least. Dont force your dirty mouth on her.

It's not cool.


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Hahaha that's really true... When they will gonna quit that kind of scene !!!
So darn true......

Though I wouldn't consider Jaejoong's mouth as dirty.........
I want to see the girls do this to the guys. Mmmhmm.
Hayaley #4
Yes, agreed! Any guys doing the above without my consent, they better be ready to be whacked. Now, if you have been occupying my dreams and I find myself cornered against a wall by you, I will gladly let you kiss me. XD